What is Porn Virus?
Porn Virus is a disturbing Windows infection which manifests through an unauthorized computer lock-down and a misleading screen-size notification supposedly conducted by different law enforcement agencies. The malicious threat is also recognized as Pornography Virus or Child Porn Virus, and these names derive from the main accusations presented within the bogus notifications. Unfortunately, our Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers count in tens and even hundreds of different versions of the malicious infection which may be detected in Windows systems all over the world. Since each of the malignant threat is personalized for a specific country, so that the attached credentials would be relevant, it is nearly impossible to say how many threats there actually are. Overall, it is a must to remove Porn Virus.

How does Porn Virus work?
The malicious Pornography Virus is distributed through dangerous ransomware Trojans, including Reveton, Urausy, Uremtoo, Casier, etc. The dangerous infection may enter your operating system, if it is not protected by authentic spyware removal software, through many security vulnerabilities. Since cyber crooks are highly experienced, they could utilize new security gaps without any of your knowledge. Once this happens, the malignant files are programmed to download malware, remove access to the Task Manager and present the bogus notification. Please see a few examples from such well-known threats as Gesellschaft Zur Verfügung Von Urheberrechtsverletzungen Virus, Federal Bureau Investigation Virus and Police Cybercrime Investigation Department Virus.
ACHTUNG! Ihr Computer ist aus einem oder mehreren der unten aufgeführten Gründe gesperrt. […]
Sie haben verbotene pornographische Inhalte eingesehen oder (Kinderpornografie/Zoophilia etc.) und damit gegen Art. 202 des Strafgesetzbuches der Bundesrepublik Deutschland verstoßen. […]
Der Betrag der Strafzahlung beläuft sich auf €100 PaySafeCard oder Ukash.ATTENTION! Your computer is blocked due to at least one of the reasons specified below. […]
You have been viewing or distributing prohibited Pornographic content (Child Porno, Zoofilia and etc.) […]
To unblock the computer, you must pay the fine through MoneyPak of $200.To unlock your computer and to avoid other legal consequences, you are obligated to pay a release fee of 100 CAD.
Any of the misleading Child Porn Virus notifications have nothing to do with authentic Police work or your personal online activity for that matter. All of the accusations are generic and are used to scam thousands of different computer users. The main objective of these deceitful, intimidating notifications is to convince you top pay the bogus fines, which is the last thing you should do. Paying the fictitious fines will not solve any of the problems and definitely will not help you delete Porn Virus.
How to remove Porn Virus?
The removal of Porn Virus should be consigned to authentic spyware detection and removal software, and we recommend installing SpyHunter. The reliable application will detect all of the running infections, and it is quite possible that besides the ransomware and the Trojan your operating system is infected with more dangerous threats as well. What is more, this tool will ensure that the system is guarded against any future schemers’ attacks, which is extremely important, if you do not wish to worry about malware removal again.
Ransomware Removal Instructions
Delete from Windows 8:
- Launch a browser from the Metro UI start screen.
- Visit http://www.anti-spyware-101.com/download-sph and download SpyHunter.
- Install the reliable malware removal tool onto the PC.
Delete from Windows Vista or Windows 7:
- Restart the computer.
- Once BIOS screen disappears – start tapping F8.
- Using arrow keys select Safe Mode with Networking and tap Enter.
- Download a reliable spyware removal tool from http://www.anti-spyware-101.com/spyhunter.
- Install the application at once.
Delete from Windows XP:
- Restart the PC, wait for the moment BIOS loads up and continuously tap F8.
- Use arrow keys on the keyboard to select Safe Mode with Networking and hit Enter.
- Click Yes on the appeared Desktop notification.
- Open the Start menu, launch RUN, enter msconfig and click OK.
- Click the Startup tab, select Disable All and click OK.
- Download SpyHunter and restart the PC (normally).
- Install the application and delete all existing Windows infections.
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