What is Police Central e-crime Unit Virus?
Police Central e-crime Unit is a ransomware virus application, which could be equated to Metropolitan Police Scam or the recent FBI MoneyPack infection. Even though the extremely treacherous virus is targeted at British Windows users, systems all around the world have been attacked, and your computer could be next, if you do not take the appropriate measures to protect it with legitimate security software, which could remove similar attacking malware. The ransomware looks completely legitimate, and blocks/locks your whole system, so you could not use your personal computer, research the infectious application, or even delete it. Many Windows users have already been tricked into thinking that the only way to regain their systems’ functionality is to comply with the request stated in this bogus notification:
This operating system is locked due to the violation of the laws of the United Kingdom! Following violations were detected:
This IP address was used to visit websites containing pornography, child pornography, zoopililia and child abuse. Your computer also contains videos with Pornographic content, elements of violence and child pornography! Spam-messages with terrorist motives were also sent from your computer.
This computer lock is aimed to stop your illegal activity […]To unlock your computer you are obliged to pay a fine of £100 […]
If an error occurs, send the codes to address surcharge@cyber-metropolitan-police.co.uk
There is a great chance that this warning does not represent your browsing activity or personal computer content, in which case it is obvious that the notification is fictitious, and you should remove Police Central e-crime Unit virus right away. You should also realize that Metropolitan Police would never demand you to pay a fine with an email letter, and you would have to confront its representatives, which is a another giveaway that all of this is just a scam, meant to lure out your money, and you should delete Police Central e-crime Unit.
If your computer is taken over by the scheming application, do not even think about wasting your money, and remove Police Central e-crime Unit immediately. If you are unfamiliar with the way ransomware works, we recommend trusting automatic removal tools. And even if you know how to proceed manually, we encourage you not to waste your precious time, and protect your PC with strong, automatic malware detection and removal tools.
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