LolliScan is an adware application that will turn your Internet browsing into hell. There is nothing reliable about this application, and it enters your computer with the intention of generating financial profit for its creators. Naturally, you need to remove LolliScan from your system as soon as possible. While you are at it, you should also run a full PC scan with the SpyHunter free scanner to see whether you have more unwanted programs on-board. It is very likely that LolliScan is not the only unwanted program you need to remove form your computer. Read more »
Having BCool on your system is not cool at all. It is one of the many adware applications that computer users remove immediately because it has a tendency to flood your Internet browser with advertising content the moment it gets on your computer. It will announce its presence by tagging promoted links with “Ads by BCool”; therefore, if you want to avoid the pain of seeing these labels and the accompanying ads wherever you go on the web, delete BCool without giving much thought to it. Read more » pop-up pop-up ads might start appearing on your screen if you install some kind of unreliable program on your computer. Actually, there is basically no doubt that an advertising-supported application has entered your system; however, a virus that has changed DNS settings might have slithered onto your computer as well. It is necessary to remove the infection causing pop-up ads from your system in order to stop them from appearing. Unfortunately, it might be rather difficult to remove pop-up ads because it is not 100% clear which undesirable program is responsible for their presence. Read more »
IncludeMaker is a generator of commercial advertisements, so it is not surprising that it is classified as an advertising-supported application by different researchers. This adware is known to be MultiPlug-type infection, so there is a possibility that it will randomize its name in order not to be recognized very easily. Thus, if you ever detect an unknown program with a name similar to IncludeMaker, you should know that it is very likely that you have encountered IncludeMaker adware. It is very important to remove this adware as quickly as possible because it will definitely act in an annoying way. Our manual removal instructions will help you to remove IncludeMaker. Of course, you should not forget to read through this article first. Read more »
You need to scan your operating system for CutterFunc if you notice that adware keeps regenerating after you delete it. Even though this adware helper does not work the same way in every single case, our malware researchers have discovered that the program has the ability to restore the settings and re-install the removed infections. Before you delete these infections, you need to remove CutterFunc, but not all computer users are aware of this, mainly because they are often clueless about the existence of this threat altogether. The suspicious adware helper can be installed silently, but more vigilant computer users should be able to find it via the Control Panel. Read more »
Reg Pro Cleaner
Reg Pro Cleaner is yet another questionable application that malware experts at have dubbed as a potentially unwanted program. This is due to the doubtful functionality of this tool as well as it is due to its questionable distribution methods. We strongly advise you to remove Reg Pro Cleaner as it is an application that is not all that useful and could even be the reason why other suspicious programs might be able to enter your operating system in an easy manner. Do not take any chances with Reg Pro Cleaner and remove it once it is located on your PC. Our malware experts at have crafted a removal guide that is easy to use and will aid you in getting rid of this potentially unwanted program. Read more »
Sometimes adware might spread accompanied with assistant applications that help to prolong the existence of the main adware program on your computer. Remove BocaEdit, one of such “helpers,” because it was developed with only one objective in mind, that is, to extend the active period of adware for as much as possible. Having adware on your computer is not only limited to being constantly annoyed by advertising content it promotes. Advertisement-promoted applications might also be a part of the backdoor for malicious content to get access to your computer. Read more »
If you have already detected EnforcerAide and wonder what it is, you should know that this software is known to be an adware helper. As it is clear from its name, it helps advertising-supported applications to work properly, so there is a huge possibility that it has entered your system with a help of adware. You should remove EnforcerAide from the system because it is useless and there is a possibility that it performs undesirable activities behind your back. You should never keep suspicious programs because they might cause harm to your PC and act in an undesirable way. We also suggest that you remove EnforcerAide from the system. We have even provided the manual removal instructions in order to help you do that. Read more » is yet another browser hijacker of the Websearch family, which is infamous for other browser hijackers such as,,, and quite a few others. Thus, if you locate on your PC, you should remove it just like any of its counterparts. The major indication that this hijacker is running on your PC is an abnormal functionality of your browser. For instance, a sudden change of your default home page or search engine is a strong indication that is active on your PC. Do not hesitate and use the removal guide that was crafted by malware experts at, in order to delete this malicious program from your PC once and for all. Read more »
NinjaVOD is an ad-supported program, and you shouldn't identify it as anything else. Do you think that the so-called video widget will help you find video content? Unfortunately, it won’t, because this is not the purpose that the application has been created for. The program presented at is just another tool in the hands of online advertisers, and it is quite possible that the services of this adware are unreliable. researchers urge computer users to remove NinjaVOD, because this program is a threat that can cause various issues. For one, NinjaVOD can install data-tracking tools that could collect information about your virtual activity, and you do not want this data to be leaked. In addition, if you do not delete this adware, you will keep facing irritating advertisements. Read more »