What is MsCtfMonitor.exe?
MsCtfMonitor.exe is a malicious process file that is related to XP Defender 2013 group of fake antivirus programs. This file is classified as cloaked malware, which means that it stealthily enters your system and tries to remain undetected for as long as possible in order for the malicious program (it is related to) to reach its goals. Basically it means that if you have MsCtfMonitor.exe on your PC, there is a 100% chance that you are infected with other malware as well (most likely - rogue antispyware), so if you decide to remove MsCtfMonitor.exe, be sure to terminate all the related applications as well.
What does MsCtfMonitor.exe do?
When this file gets into your system it gets added as a Registry auto start entry in order to load a particular program or boot up. It means that MsCtfMonitor.exe can be used by a number of malicious programs to add their entries to the Registry, to make sure that malicious applications load automatically whenever you turn on the PC. Based on various sources, MsCtfMonitor.exe can be related to XP Defender 2013 and other rogues from the Braviax family, also to Trojan Muldrop4 and Trojan/AVKILL.
Most of the time such files are created in order to make sure that other malicious programs manage to enter a target system and remain undetected for a particular period of time. MsCtfMonitor.exe overrides security settings, and it is very likely that it is related to pieces of malware that disable built-in security programs, lowering down overall system guard levels.
How to remove MsCtfMonitor.exe?
Since it is a malware component, you need to remove the main program to get rid of MsCtfMonitor.exe. If you suspect that your system is infected with undesirable applications, perform a full system scan with SpyHunter free scanner. This is the easiest way to determine whether you are infected or not. If so, acquire a computer safeguard application to remove MsCtfMonitor.exe and all the other related malware programs from your system automatically. Do all it takes to protect your computer from similar threats.
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