
What is JS/Medfos.B?

JS/Medfos.B is known as a JavaScript file that redirects the users while using such search engines as Google, Yahoo, Bing and others. The threat is attributed to Trojan:Win/Medfos.B which is believed to install the threat in question. The unwanted file will appear on the Extensions list on Google Chrome. If you are experiencing redirection, you should immediately remove JS/Medfos.B from the PC and the browser in order to prevent the damage that might be caused when browsing the suspicious websites to which you are redirected.

What does JS/Medfos.B do?

The add-on which you will find on your Google Chrome is labeled as ChromeUpadteManager. It is dropped as chromeupdate.crx, and the location of this file is known to be %LOCALAPPDATA% folder.  The threat which looks like a legitimate Chrome plug-in can be installed alongside freeware, which is why it is crucial to read the information provided in the license agreement. If your search queries are redirected and  you know that ChromeUpdateManager is installed, it means that JS/Medfos.B is present as well. Do not hesitate and remove it from the computer as soon as you can.

The reason why it is so important to delete JS/Medfos.B is that it redirects users to advertising websites that earn money by having employed the pay-per-click methods. The websites which have been detected to be affiliated with JS/Medfos.B are chrome-bulletin.com, disable-instant-search.com/js/ and thechromeweb.com.

It also known that JS/Medfos.B can be installed on Mozilla Firefox. In this case, the extension that you will find is named Mozilla Safe Browsing. If you notice that the browsing related problems appear at the same time when the unwanted browser add-ons or one of them is installed, do not wait but act!

How to remove JS/Medfos.B?

In order to stop schemers from earning money with the help of your browsers, you should remove JS/Medfos.B using SpyHunter. This spyware removal tool will remove all the malicious files spread by the infection and ensure that no other threats ever access your computer. You will not have to delete the malicious registry entries as everything will be done for you.

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tested removal of JS/Medfos.B*

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