What is IRMA Virus?
IRMA virus is a new ransomware infection which makes the infected computer inoperable by disabling access to the desktop programs and the Internet. The virus is attributed to Ukash viruses, including such obstinate viruses as Politia Romana Virus, Ministere de L'interieur Virus, and Europol European Law Enforcement Agency Virus. Every virus has a misleading message which is displayed on the screen once the infection gets into the system. The message presents either a law enforcement agency or an organization which deals with the rights of the owners of intellectual property. In the case of IRMA Virus, the Information Resource Management Association is presented as related to the message displayed; however, the association does not have anything in common with the crooks that created the virus, and you should remove IRMA Virus without hesitation.
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Ignore the statements saying that the PC is blocked because you used the PC to view, store and use pirated software, audio and video material:
Your personal computer has been noticed in viewing, storing and using of forbidden and pirate software, audio and video content.
Moreover, pay no attention to the request to pay 250 dollars to unlock the machine, because there is no better way to get rid of the bogus message than to remove IRMA Virus from your PC:
You should buy MoneyPack code denominated of 250 dollars.
The number of code needs to be entered in the field below. After entering, check correctness of the code number and press “OK” button. Your computer will be unlocked in 1-72 hours.
Keep in mind that your PC is locked by a virus, which means that you should not trust the content of message. Ignore the fact that MoneyPack is presented as the method for paying the ransom, and install SpyHunter instead. The spyware removal tool will remove IRMA virus and protect the PC against future infections.
Please follow our instructions on how to install the anti-spyware software; otherwise, you may face some difficulty in eliminating the infection:
For Windows Vista or Windows 7 Users:
1. Restart the computer.
2. Press the F8 key.
3. Use arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Networking.
4. Press the Enter key.
5. Download SpyHunter at http://www.anti-spyware-101.com/download-sph
6. Install the program and run a scan.
Windows XP:
1. Repeat steps 1–4 presented above.
2. Click on Yes when a dialog box appears.
3. Open the Start menu.
4. Launch Run.
5. Type “msconfig” in the “Open” box and press OK.
6. Click on the Startup tab.
7. Select the Disable All button and select Apply.
8. Download SpyHunter and reboot the computer.
9. Install the file downloaded and remove IRMA Virus.
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