What is Ihr Computer ist Gesperrt virus?
Ihr Computer ist gesperrt virus is a new ransomware infection that locks down your computer and does not allow you to utilize your programs unless you pay the ransom fee. It attacks users in Germany or anyone who has a German IP address. Due to its sophisticated interface, Ihr Computer is gesperrt virus might look like a legitimate program, especially as it comes with a logo of Gesellschaft zur Verfolgung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen (Society for the Prosecution of Copyright Infringement) that has been active in Germany since 1985. However, law enforcement and security agencies have nothing in common with this infection and you simply must remove Ihr Computer ist gesperrt virus from your computer this very instance.

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How does Ihr Computer ist gesperrt work?
Ihr Computer ist gesperrt virus is delivered by Reveton Trojan when you browse the Internet. You have to keep your Adove, Java and Flash browser plugins updated, because malware programs can easily exploit vulnerabilities found in outdated versions in order to infect you with Ihr Computer ist gesperrt virus. Once the program is in, it takes 3 seconds to block your desktop, and then the only thing you can see is a fake security notification that informs you about various crimes you have supposedly committed. Here is an extract from the message displayed by Ihr Computer ist gesperrt virus:
Gesellschaft zur Verfolgung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen
Die Funktionen Ihres Computers wurden aus Grunden unbefugter Netzaktivitaten ausgesetzt.
Im Weiterne sind mogliche Ursachen angegeben:
Artikel - 183. Pornografie
Freheitsentzug von 2 bis zu 3 Jahren (Nutzung oder Verbreitung von pornografischen Dateien)
Geldstrafe von 18000 Euro bis zu 25000 Euro.Um Ihren Computer zu entsperren und andere rechtlichen Folgen zu vermeiden, sind Sie verpflichtet eine Strafe in Hohe von 100 euros zu begleichen.
Bitte beachten Sie: Die Geldbusse kann nur innerhalb von 48 Stunden beglichen werden, wenn die Geldbusse innerhalb von 48 Studen nicht beglichen worden ist, wird es nicht mehr moglich sein den Computer zu entsperren. In diesem Falle wird gegen Sie automatisch ein Strafverfahren eingeleitet.
Just like all of the Ukash Viruses, such as GVU Virus, Gema Virus or Bundespolizei Virus, Ihr Computer ist gesperrt virus requires you to pay a 100 euro fine. It says that your computer will remain locked forever if you do not pay within 48 hours. A lot of users get scared when they are threatened like that and they pay the fine via PaySafecard. But you should not do that no matter what.
How to remove Ihr Computer ist gesperrt ?
Since this program is a malicious infection, it will not unlock your computer even if you pay the fine. The only thing it wants is your money, and you must remove Ihr Computer ist gesperrt virus from your computer at once, otherwise your system will remain locked. It is necessary to get past the ransomware's defenses first, and you can achieve it by following the instructions below:
For Windows Vista & Windows 7
- Restart your computer and when BIOS screen loads tap F8 key repeatedly.
- Select Safe Mode with Networking from Advanced Boot Options menu and press Enter.
- Follow the link http://www.anti-spyware-101.com/download-sph and download SpyHunter.
- Install the program and run a free scanner to detect Ihr Computer ist gesperrt virus.
For Windows XP
- Follow the steps above 1 and 2.
- When a confirmation box appears, press Yes.
- Download SpyHunter.
- Open Start Menu and launch Run.
- Type "msconfig" into the Run box and press Enter.
- Click Startup tab on System Configuration Utility.
- Uncheck all programs on the Startup list and click OK. Exit the menu.
- Restart your computer in Normal Mode.
- Install the program downloaded and destroy the infection.
Should you have any inquiries regarding this infection, leave a comment below.
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