
What is ibsvc.exe?

The file ibsvc.exe is a file that belongs to the software promoted by InstallBrain. The file is an update service, so its starts running whenever the users logs into Windows. Its function is to look for and download various updates for the existing programs. The application to which the file belongs is known to be detected by some security programs as adware. If your anti-virus program detects ibsvc.exe but cannot remove it, use SpyHunter which will also protect the PC against various unwanted applications and computer threats.

Why is it advisable to remove ibsvc.exe?

The file in question is used to install third party programs, for example Conduit or Yontoo. It is also capable of monitoring other applications and recording information inputs. It has been observed that ibsvc.exe can cause high CPU usage, which means that the PC will stop running properly. You will notice that other programs need more time to load and that the overall performance of the CP has changed. Moreover, ibsvc.exe may also cause Window errors. The file is located in the subfolders of the %Application Data% folder, and it is presented as InstallBrain Installer. The size of the file may vary from 388.8 KB to 653.53 KB. You can also find it running in the Task Manager as ibsvc.exe.

How to remove ibsvc.exe?

We advise users against manual removal of potentially unwanted programs, spyware, and malware if the unwanted application is too complex for inexperienced users. In the case of ibsvc.exe, you can try disabling the process and deleting other files related to it but that does not mean that you will be able to protect the system against similar instanced in the future. Hence we recommend that you use install our recommended tool which will do both remove the unwanted file or the so-called adware and safeguard the PC.

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tested removal of ibsvc.exe*
  1. George Zelmanovits

    I was able to remove ibsvc.exe and the associated folder by using the task manager to identify its location, stopping it using end task, and finally deleting its folder. I also got rid of CrimeWatch in a similar way. Do you have any comments on the effectiveness of this method? Are there Registry entries which may cause further problems?

    George Zelmanovits

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