How to Remove vvv File Extension

What is How to Remove vvv File Extension?

When TeslaCrypt Ransomware, an intrusive and perilous malware infection, sneaks onto your machine, it will encrypt all your personal files and name them either .vvv, .ccc, or .ecc. If you find these extensions on your system, you are in real trouble. However, you will most likely notice these encrypted files after being warned by this Trojan ransomware. It is hard to miss its ransom note as it will show up on your desktop. The worst thing is that it will be too late when you see the warning message because your files will already be encrypted with RSA-2048, which is impossible to crack or decrypt without the generated private key. It is possible to avoid being infected with this dangerous Trojan, but the best way to protect your system against such an infection is by an up-to-date antimalware tool.

In this article we will reveal what our malware specialists have found out regarding this serious infection. You will also learn how you can remove TeslaCrypt Ransomware or the mess it leaves behind. Prevention is very important if you do not want to fight uphill battles against ransomware. So let us tell you how you could actually protect your system against them by understanding how this Trojan enters your computer.

Where does TeslaCrypt Ransomware come from?

Similarly to other Trojans, this ransomware is mainly distributed as a spam e-mail attachment. This attachment may be a photo or video file. In other cases, it can also be a document using macro. But TeslaCrypt Ransomware does not seem to use the latter option. However, it is possible that the spam filter of your mail server will not be able to filter this mail out and it lands in your inbox. It is also possible that you will find the sender of this mail pretending to be someone from your contact list or a well-known company. But whoever this mail comes from, it could be a deceiving mail to trick you into opening the attachment. The moment you click on this attached file is the moment when you can say goodbye to your files, if you do not have a backup copy on a USB flash drive or any other external HDD.

Another way this infection can enter your system is through social networking sites, such as Twitter and Facebook. You need to be very careful once again what you click on. There might be malicious codes underneath the surface of a video or image link. You may even think that this trap was posted by one of your friends just to make you more likely to click on it. But once you click, you will activate the Trojan and you will not even notice its presence until you see the scary warning message.

Therefore, it is quite obvious how you can avoid such an attack. You need to be very careful about what e-mails you open at all, or when you open one, which attachments you click on. We advise you to only click on attachments that you actually expect to come. And the same goes for social networking sites. Do not click on just any video or image link because you cannot know for sure where you might get redirected to.

How does TeslaCrypt Ransomware work?

Once this Trojan activates itself on your system, it will encrypt all your documents, photos, videos, and databases giving them a .vvv, .ccc, or .ecc extension. When it has finished, it will temporarily stop the following programs: regedit, msconfig, cmd.exe, and the Task Manager. Then, it will change your desktop background to its ransom note. On top of that, it will also display a pop-up note just to make sure you notice it. This note will inform you about the encryption and that you have a certain deadline to transfer the ransom to a Bitcoin account, or else your private key will be deleted. The note also threatens you that this private key will be removed if you try to temper with or remove TeslaCrypt Ransomware. But the truth is, that this ransomware actually removes its main files itself. Unfortunately, once your files get encrypted, there is no way back. We do not recommend paying these criminals any money because it is never guaranteed that you will get the decryption private key at all. However, there is definitely a useful lesson here to learn: You must keep a backup copy of your most important files in case your computer is attacked by a dangerous infection like this Trojan.

How to delete TeslaCrypt Ransomware

As a matter of fact, you cannot remove this dangerous ransomware from your computer since, as we have already mentioned, once it finishes its job on your system, it deletes itself leaving only a mess of encrypted files and a scary background note behind. It is quite possible that it leaves some registry junk as well. You can download a reliable antimalware program, such as SpyHunter, which will clean up all the mess and protect you from similar dangers in the future. However, there is no security tool that could restore your encrypted files. It is virtually impossible without the private key that is supposedly stored on a secret server. Please follow our instructions if you want to clean your computer of the possible threats and to safeguard it from similar malware invasions.

Remove TeslaCrypt Ransomware

  1. Start up your browser and type in:
  2. Download and install SpyHunter.
  3. Run a full system scan.
  4. Remove all infections.
  5. Restart your computer.
100% FREE spyware scan and
tested removal of How to Remove vvv File Extension*

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