What is How to Remove FBI Ransomware?
The FBI Federal Bureau Investigation scam is not related to the actual FBI. This scam is an alert message saying that your computer cannot work properly because of using copyrighted contented without a permission of the author, viewing or sharing pornographic content, downloading videos, music or software, etc. The alert also informs you that your computer is infected due to irresponsible use of your computer.
Due to the presence of The FBI Federal Bureau Investigation virus, you cannot use your computer properly, because everything is disabled. When this situation is created, FBI ransomware claims that once you pay a 100$ “ransom” through MoneyPak, the computer is unblocked, and you can use it again as usual. The infection also informs you that it takes 1-48 hours to unblock the computer. We can only imagine how many users are victimized in this way.
The only option for solving the problem is to remove this FBI virus, which only aims to get your money. As your computer is completely locked, you should use another computer with Internet connection to download a removal tool. Download Spyhunter and transfer it to a removal disk drive. Reboot the infected computer, press F8 and choose Safe Mode with Command Prompt. Once you are in your system, use the drive to launch Spyhunter.
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