What is How to Remove ccc File Extension?
TeslaCrypt is a nasty ransomware infection that can slither onto computers unnoticed. It has been observed that it has several different versions that act completely the same, i.e. all the versions of this infection encrypt the following files: .unity3d, .rgss3a, .xlsb, .pptm, .docx, .syncdb, .mddata, .pptx, .pptm, etc, which means that it will touch pictures, music, videos, and documents. Like other well-known ransomware infections, the encryption process is initiated because cyber criminals that are behind TeslaCrypt ransomware seek to obtain money from innocent computer users. This threat uses several tactics to make users pay money. Even though TeslaCrypt seems to be so convincing, it would be best to simply remove it.
Why is the .CCC filename extension added?
Different versions of TeslaCrypt basically act the same; however, it is still possible to determine which version has entered the system on the basis of filename extensions the ransomware attaches to the encrypted files. Users who have never encountered a term “filename extension” should know that the extension itself is a suffix that is added to the name of a computer file and is separated by a dot. There are three main extensions that TeslaCrypt adds: .ECC, .CCC, and .VVV. Extensions .CCC and .VVV belong to the most recent versions of this ransomware. The presence of .CCC or another extension next to the filename simply means that the file has been encrypted. This infection encrypts the majority of files. Those that are encrypted have the .CCC extension attached to them, so users quickly notice that this ransomware touches the majority of files. It has to be noted that TeslaCrypt is primarily targeted at those files that belong to different games, which means that users will have to start the game from the beginning if the threat encrypts them. Of course, they will not be even able to open them unless they decrypt the main files.
TeslaCrypt ransomware not only adds the .CCC filename extension (e.g. ckeditor.js.ccc and picture.jpg.ccc) to all the encrypted files. It has been noticed that this ransomware will also create howto_recover_file_*.txt and howto_recover_file_*.html files and place them on a user’s desktop and in some folders. The .CCC extension ransomware is slightly different from other versions of TeslaCrypt ransomware not only because it adds the .CCC filename extension to particular files, but also because it uses different TOR payment site gateways. Even though there are several differences, the version that adds the .CCC extension primarily seeks to extort money and acts like other ransomware infections.
What is TeslaCrypt ransomware?
TeslaCrypt ransomware is known to be a harmful infection that just seeks to extort money from innocent users. It encrypts files by adding the .CCC filename extension to files the moment it enters systems and then puts a message on the screen saying that “Your files have been safely encrypted on this PC: photos, videos, documents, etc.” This infection will also temporary kill cmd.exe, msconfig, regedit, taskmgr, and other important system files and utilities. It does that in order to convince users to pay the ransom. It is not surprising at all that it acts in this matter because it is a copy of CryptoLocker, which is a famous ransomware infection.
Should you pay money?
This ransomware infection will ask you to pay a particular sum of money for the decryption of files. In most cases, this sum is approximately 1.5 – 2 Bitcoins, but it might change. Many people pay money for the removal of .CCC filename extensions. In fact, this is the only way to gain access to files at the moment. Of course, nobody can guarantee that your files will be really unlocked. Therefore, you should better recover them all from a backup, e.g. a USB flash drive. Users who do not have copies of their files and are going to pay money have to make sure that they have not deleted the .CCC extension from the name of the file because the decryption tool might not recognize these files and thus will not decrypt them.
How does the “.CCC filename extension ransomware” enter systems?
TeslaCrypt ransomware tends to creep onto computers silently and then immediately make changes. It has been observed that it is mainly spread through spam email attachments, drive-by-downloads, and infected external devices. It can also enter the system if a user visits a malicious website or tend to download programs from P2P and file-sharing web pages. Users can protect their systems from ransomware infections by simply installing an automatic tool, such as SpyHunter on their computers.
How to remove TeslaCrypt ransomware?
There is no need to delete this infection because it adds the .CCC filename extension and removes itself. Even though it does not leave its major files, users will see the different homepage unless they change it. What is more, this threat might have slithered onto the computer together with other undesirable programs, so it is still worth scanning the system with an automatic malware remover. It will not remove the .CCC filename extension, but it will at least find other undesirable programs installed and will eliminate them.
Scan your PC
- Open your browser.
- Enter http://www.anti-spyware-101.com/download-sph in the address bar.
- Download the security tool and install it.
- Scan your system.
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