What is Gigantic Savings Coupons?
Gigantic Savings Coupons is an adware application that has been designed to display various coupons and discount offers. It is part of a big group of browser extensions that are supposed to help you purchase various goods at optimal price. Nevertheless, Gigantic Savings Coupons makes use of third party advertising network and it might be that in the long term this application would expose you to potential security threats. Therefore, to protect yourself from various unwanted intruders, you are strongly advised to remove Gigantic Savings Coupons from your computer immediately.
Where does Gigantic Savings Coupons come from?
It has already been mentioned that Gigantic Savings Coupons is part of a big adware application family. That is of no surprise, because the app is developed by Innovative Apps. This adware developer is known to have released such browser extensions as Deal Spy, Savings Addon, Deal Boat and so on. All of these applications are compatible with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer web browsers, so you can be sure that you will have your coupons delivered, if you install Gigantic Savings Coupons on your computer.
The application is usually downloaded from its official website via gigantic-savings.com. That is one of the main reasons why we cannot categorize it as a computer infection – after all, you agree to install the application yourself. What is more, although our researchers have not found the exact freeware applications yet, it is very likely that Gigantic Savings Coupons also travels bundled with shareware. It is especially relevant if you often download free of charge applications from third party file hosting websites.
What does Gigantic Savings Coupons do?
Just like any other adware application from the same family, Gigantic Savings Coupons is there to provide you with coupons. Currently, whenever you access Amazon, eBay or any other online shopping mall, Gigantic Savings Coupons does not display any kind of advertisements, because the application’s server is believed to be down. Nevertheless, you cannot rule out the possibility that Gigantic Savings Coupons still collects information on your web browsing habits, and in case it gets leaked to a malevolent third party, it could be exploited in questionable marketing tactics.
Naturally, Gigantic Savings Coupons is very far from being a dangerous infection, but such applications are often utilized as mediators for malware distribution, so you should always take every single potential risk into account.
How to remove Gigantic Savings Coupons?
As having Gigantic Savings Coupons on your computer might eventually expose you to various threats, it is for the best to uninstall it. Manual removal is very simple and easy, but if you think that Gigantic Savings Coupons has arrived with some other potentially unwanted program and you have no idea what that might be, use SpyHunter free scanner to scan your PC and then terminate any other undesirable applications that might be related to suspicious third parties. Your system security comes first.
Uninstall Gigantic Savings Coupons
Windows 8
- Move mouse cursor across the desktop to the bottom right corner.
- Click Settings on Charm bar and go to Control Panel.
- Open Uninstall a program and remove Gigantic Savings.
Windows Vista & Windows 7
- Open Start menu and select Control Panel.
- Click Uninstall a program and remove Gigantic Savings.
Windows XP
- Open Start menu and click Control Panel.
- Select Add or remove programs and uninstall Gigantic Savings.
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