What is ew_hwusbdev.sys?
If you are wondering whether the file ew_hwusbdev.sys is reliable or not, you should not worry about it because it is a legitimate file, which belongs to Huawei MobileBroadband USB PNP Device. It is 102.78K in size and located in the sub-folders of the %WINDIR% directory. There is no need to remove it from the system because it a safe file; however, you should keep in mind that malicious applications may distribute files which bear the names of legitimate system file. In such a case, do not try to remove the file by yourself – rely on a professional spyware removal.
Not all .sys files are safe
If you come across a file which is similar to ew_hwusbdev.sys and do not know whether it is legitimate or not, do not hurry to remove it. If you had a reliable spyware removal tool, you would not need to question yourself about the legitimacy of the suspicious file. Nevertheless, note that the malicious files which have the same extension .sys may be used for concealing other dangerous components. Moreover, such files are known to consume a lot of computer resources, which means that the computer may work sluggishly. Harmful files that have the .sys extension usually work as a regular system service or device driver. One of such files is adslcom.sys, which belongs to a Trojan horse called Clunky. The threat enables attackers to access and control the compromised computer. The removal of.sys files is highly recommended because great damage may be done, including data loss and system malfunctions.
How to remove .sys files?
In order to remove files whose names are similar to ew_hwusbdev.sys, you should implement a powerful spyware removal tool. Do not waste your time trying to locate the malicious file because you may remove an important system file, especially if you have never tried to remove a malicious program. Implement SpyHunter and it will remove all the infections that are present within the system. Safe files, such as ew_hwusbdev.sys, will be bypassed, while the malicious ones will be removed immediately.The anti-spyware program will protect the system against new computer threats, so if you want to use the PC as usual, install the application as soon as you can.
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