What is DyFuCA?
The malicious dialer DyFuCA is capable of subduing your personal modem to create unauthorized connections to various pornographic websites managing servers. Once this happens, various malignant components will be allowed to enter your computer and high cost connections will be performed using your personal phone line linked to the modem. The malicious application can be pinned to your operating Windows system after visiting hijacked websites, clicking on online advertisement, launching encrypted software, opening spam email attachments and interacting with other security vulnerabilities. It may be extremely difficult to have DyFuCA removed because this program does not have an interface. Regardless, you are likely to face certain system’s dysfunctions, which will allow you to identify the running program.
After your computer will be exposed to cyber criminals, malignant components will be dropped to your operating system’s Local disk and will immediately start affecting the Windows Registry. First of all, the devious files with corrupt system’s startup processes, so that DyFuCA could start running right after the computer is turned on. Such .dll files as nem220.dll, nem210.dll and nem219.dll could implement browser helper objects to spy on your browsing activity, change set home page, add items to the Favorite/Bookmark lists and could even present a Blue error screen instead of your set desktop background. Malignant executables msbb.exe, saie.exe and optimize.exe could record keystrokes and mouse clicks to copy your login data, could utilize personal email accounts to spread malware and connect to remote servers to help schemers control the PC.
If you want to remove DyFuCA from the computer, you need to understand that you may be dealing with a variety of different computer infections. Manual removal may be too complicated in this situation; therefore, AntiSpyware101 team suggests installing legal tools to delete DyFuCA from your computer.
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