What is Digisom Ransomware?
Digisom Ransomware is a vicious infection that encrypts files and demands a payment in return of their release. In a sense, this infection takes your files hostage, and the worst part is that you might have enabled this yourself. The ransomware is most likely to spread via spam emails (just like Padcrypt 3 Ransomware, Polski Ransomware, and others), in which case, you have opened and executed the infection yourself. According to Anti-Spyware-101.com malware analysts, cyber crooks are very inventive, and they can create highly misleading spam email attacks. For example, the launcher could be introduced to you as a document attached to an email from your bank inquiring to check your latest statement. One click is all that it takes to bring the ransomware to life. If the infection is executed successfully, it immediately encrypts your files. It adds the “7xV.x” extension to their names, which should make it easier for you to spot these files. Unfortunately, you cannot resolve the issue by removing Digisom Ransomware. Despite this, eliminating this infection is crucial.
How does Digisom Ransomware work?
When Digisom Ransomware slithers in and encrypts your files, it wastes no time to introduce you to the ransom demands. First, a pop-up window called “One file will be deleted in:” shows up warning that one of your files will be erased in 2 hours. A timer is also attached to the message. The purpose of this pop-up is to point you to the Desktop, where you can find a file called “Digisom readme6.txt”. This file represents the real ransom request. According to the message in the file, photos, videos, documents and other “important files” can be decrypted only with a private key. Well, how do you get it? It is suggested that a key would be provided to you if you paid a ransom fee within 48 hours. The sample we have tested asked to pay a ransom of 0.2 Bitcoins, which is around 200 USD; however, it is possible that every user will be introduced to a different number. The “Digisom readme6.txt” includes the link to the payment site, as well as your unique ID number that the creator of Digisom Ransomware allegedly can identify you by.
If you pay the ransom requested by Digisom Ransomware, your files should be decrypted soon after that, but no one can guarantee this. There is always a possibility that your money will be taken but your files will remain encrypted. Due to this, we advise looking into other options first. For example, think if your files are backed up. If they are, the only thing you need to do is remove the infection. If this does not apply to you, look into third-party file decryptors. Although it is unlikely that you will find a tool that could help you crack the encryption code used by this malware, you need to exhaust all options. If you end up paying the ransom, and it works – which is not something you should rely on – do not forget about the ransomware. It is still active, and you need to delete it as soon as possible. Also, after you get your computer cleaned, you need to think about the protection of your operating system to ensure that malware does not slither in again.
How to delete Digisom Ransomware
Although Digisom Ransomware can do a lot of damage, it is not difficult to eliminate this infection. Of course, it does not have to hide itself because even if you remove it, your files remain locked. On top of that, by erasing this threat, you lose the opportunity to pay the ransom and, possibly, restore your personal files. Nonetheless, as we discussed previously, paying the ransom is not something we advise. Hopefully, you find a way to decrypt your files without paying a dime to the devious cyber criminals. When it comes to deleting Digisom Ransomware, it is most important that you find the .exe file that is the launcher of the infection. If you delete this file successfully, the infection will be destroyed. Do not worry if you cannot identify the launcher yourself. A legitimate anti-malware tool will only take a few minutes to scan your operating system, identify all malicious components, and remove malware. We strongly encourage you to keep anti-malware software installed to keep your operating system protected reliably.
Removal Instructions
- Identify the launcher file ({random name}.exe).
- Right-click the file and choose Delete.
- Delete the file called Digisom readme6.txt (might have multiple copies).
- Empty the Recycle Bin.
- Scan your operating system for leftovers.
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