What is Die offizielle mitteilung des bundeskriminalamtes?
Die offizielle mitteilung des bundeskriminalamtes is a computer threat that is from the Ukash Virus family of ransomware infections. It targets German-speaking computer users just like BUNDESPOLIZEI. Es ist die ungesetzliche Tätigkeit enthüllt and other German versions of this infection. When a user is infected with Die offizielle mitteilung des bundeskriminalamtes, this malware does not allow the user to access Windows desktop and displays are fake warning message instead.
The warning message in German is as follows:
Ein Vorgang ilegater Aktivitaten wurde erkannt.
Das Betriebssystem wurde im Zusammenhang mit Verstossen gegen die Gesetze der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gesperrt!
Auf lhrem Computer wurden ebenfalls Videodatelen mit pornografischen Inhalten, Elementen von Gewalt und Kinderpornografie festegestellt!
It says that you have violated the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, and files containing elements of child pornography and violence were discovered in your hard disk. Your computer is locked due to illegal activity and you have to pay the 100 Euro fine within 24 hours, otherwise your hard disk will be formatted.
Users, who panic seeing this message are very quick to spend their money, thinking that Die offizielle mitteilung des bundeskriminalamtes will unlock their computer and spare their hard drive. The truth is that this ransomware is not powerful enough to delete your personal files, and it will not disappear from your screen even if you pay the ransom. You have to get rid of this notification yourself by changing the default autorun settings:
1. Reboot the computer and press F8 while the system loads.
2. Select Safe Mode with Networking from the System Boot Menu and press Enter.
3. For Windows 7 & Vista: Open Start Menu and enter "msconfig" into the Search box. Press Enter. For Windows XP: Open Start Menu and click on RUN. Enter "msconfig" into the box and press Enter.
4. Click on Startup tab when System Configuration menu appears. Select Disable All and press OK.
5. Access the Internet and acquire a computer security tool that will delete Die offizielle mitteilung des bundeskriminalamtes for you.
6. Restart your computer and load it in Normal Mode. Install the security tool and launch full system scan to remove Die offizielle mitteilung des bundeskriminalamtes for good.
Leave a comment below if you have any questions regarding Die offizielle mitteilung des bundeskriminalamtes removal.
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