What is File Security Protected Ransomware?
File Security Protected Ransomware, also known as Fake WindowsUpdater Ransomware, is a computer infection that you, without a doubt, do not want to find on your computer. It is because this infection is one of those threats which encrypt files after the successful entrance thus making it impossible to access a lot of different files. Although File Security Protected Ransomware has been developed to encrypt users’ files and make users pay money for the “private key”, users who encounter it these days might find their files intact, specialists working at anti-spyware-101.com say. It is because the C&C server of this ransomware infection is down, and it only launches a window with a ransom note but does not lock any files. This might change soon, so delete File Security Protected Ransomware as soon as possible if you ever detect it on your computer. Since this ransomware-type infection is not as sophisticated as some other popular threats, e.g. Btcware Ransomware, Kirk Ransomware, and Karmen Ransomware, it should not be a problem to delete it, but, of course, we recommend reading this article first before taking action.
What does File Security Protected Ransomware do?
If you have encountered File Security Protected Ransomware recently, i.e. when its server is down, you will not find any encrypted files on your PC. Only a window “YOUR FILES HAS BEEN ENCRYPTED” will be opened on Desktop. In this case, your one and only job is to delete this infection from the system. Have you found your pictures, documents, and media files encrypted? If the answer is yes, go to delete this ransomware infection to protect other files and then try to get your files back. These files have been locked because cyber criminals want to get your money. After the encryption of files, this malicious application will inform you that you need to use the private key which costs 0.2 BTC (~ 25 USD) to unlock your data. This amount of money needs to be sent to 3BsyRz2sdvXcWRaycPoizEH5hAbDmWcpNE and then an email to ransomwareinc@yopmail.com has to be written. Users should receive an answer from this email with a decryption key. Sadly, nobody can promise you that this will really happen. Therefore, you should first try to recover files from a backup or with a free data-recovery tool before spending money on the private key which might not even be sent to you. We cannot promise that these alternative methods will work for you because File Security Protected Ransomware uses AES-256 to encrypt files, and it might be impossible to bypass it.
Where does File Security Protected Ransomware come from?
Ransomware infections act just like other malicious applications – they show up on users’ computers without their permission. Specialists cannot say why you have discovered this ransomware-type infection on your computer, but they have found that there are three ways to spread this computer infection. First, it is known to be spread via exploit kits. Second, it can be dropped on users’ computers by Trojans. Third, users could allow this infection to enter their systems by opening a malicious attachment from a spam email. If you do not ensure the maximum protection of your computer soon, similar file-encrypting threats can enter your computer again. We are sure you do not want this to happen.
How to delete File Security Protected Ransomware
You cannot remove .encrypted extensions from those encrypted files and thus unlock them by deleting File Security Protected Ransomware from your computer, but it is a must to erase this infection because it might strike again if its malicious file is opened by accident. Of course, there is a possibility that it has not touched a single file because it no longer works the way it should, i.e. its server is down and it cannot perform the encryption process. In this case, it still needs to be deleted. First, close the window opened on your Desktop and then remove the malicious file. It might be located anywhere, but you should start by checking Desktop (%USERPROFILE%\Desktop) and the Downloads (%USERPROFILE%\Downloads) folder.
File Security Protected Ransomware manual removal guide
- Close the window launched by File Security Protected Ransomware (click X in the top-right corner).
- Find the malicious file you have recently opened (it should be located in %USERPROFILE%\Downloads and %USERPROFILE%\Desktop).
- Delete it.
- Empty the Trash bin.
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