What is Browsersafeguard?
Even though Browsersafeguard is meant to protect your operating system against virtual threats, some computer users argue that this very program can put your virtual security at risk. Those who choose to download the application from browsersafeguard.com are informed that the application allows you to browse the web without facing any threats. Despite this, it is also disclaimed that the application is ad supported and can display online advertisements on ‘websites which are not related to the underlying property’. Furthermore, the developer of the application proceeds to inform you via the Privacy Policy that you need to review the policies of third parties who may serve the advertisements and to whose sites you may be redirected. There is no question why some computer users decide to remove Browsersafeguard.
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How does Browsersafeguard work?
Browsersafeguard is promoted as a free proxy service which is supposed to protect you when browsing the Internet. It is stated that the program checks the URLs your visit and automatically blocks the ones related to questionable activity. Unfortunately, once installed the program does not seem to do much. It is likely to block access to certain unreliable websites; however, there is no doubt that it is not as beneficial or reliable as you may think it is. All in all, as Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers have found out, the trial version does not appear to be highly affective. Needless to say, the full version of the tool is highly questionable. Do you want to spend $19.95 on the so-called pro version of Browsersafeguard? Even though it is supposed to guard your Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer browsers, we strongly recommend choosing a more reliable and beneficial security application.
It is stated that Browsersafeguard is meant to protect you against malware, phishing attacks, Trojans and various other threats which may attack your operating system. Despite this, some may argue that the sponsored advertisements, links, coupons, deals and various other offers related to the program could be treated as risky as well. If you do not know who hides behind the displayed ads and you do not know who is affiliated to Browsersafeguard, you should be cautious about all the presented offers because they easily could lead to virtual security exposure.
How to remove Browsersafeguard?
Even though Browsersafeguard is not considered to be a malicious application, some identify it as a PUP – potentially undesirable program. If you are thinking about purchasing the full version of the tool, we suggest that you choose a different, more reliable security application instead. We recommend picking an application which would not be sponsored by advertisements, would not collect data regarding your virtual activity and would not work with the help of suspicious third party affiliates. SpyHunter is a great choice, and you can acquire this tool by clicking the download button below. If you scroll down you will also discover the manual removal guides which should help you delete Browsersafeguard.
Remove Browsersafeguard
Remove from Windows 8:
- Right-click on the screen of Metro UI menu and select All apps.
- Open the Control Panel and go to Uninstall a program.
- Now right-click and Uninstall the undesirable program.
- Select any option augmenting the removal and click Continue.
Remove from Windows Vista or Windows 7:
- Click the Start menu icon on the left of the Task Bar.
- Select Control Panel and then click Uninstall a program.
- Right-click the program you wish to delete and select Uninstall.
- Now mark one of the four provided options and click Continue.
Remove from Windows XP:
- Navigate to the left of the Task Bar and click Start.
- Select Control Panel and double-click Add or Remove Programs.
- Now select the undesirable program and click Remove.
- Select one of the provided removal reasons and click Continue.
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