What is Critroni Ransomware?
Critroni Ransomware is an extremely disturbing malware infection that denies access to your files and then asks for a ransom fee, saying that it will issue a decryption key that will help you get your files back. The credibility of such a statement is highly doubtful because cybercriminals cannot be trusted to keep their promises. It is obvious that you have to remove Critroni Ransomware from your computer, although we cannot promise that you will be able to restore your files. If you did not have a file backup, it is very likely that all of your encrypted data is gone for good.
Where does Critroni Ransomware come from?
Critroni Ransomware is also known as Crypto Ransomware or Critoni Ransomware. However, all these names refer to the same infection. Also, we would like to point out that Critoni is most probably a typo that spread around and is now recognized as a keyword. However, the original detection for the Trojan that spreads this ransomware is Critroni.A.
Critroni Ransomware is a two-stage infection. It means that when users download the first malicious payload file onto their computers, the infection does not occur immediately. The .exe file that downloads Critroni Ransomware onto your computer usually looks as an Adobe Flash Player executable file. It means that this ransomware infection often hides behind fake update messages and pop-ups. Usually adware programs use such distribution methods, but now we see here that they are not foreign to ransomware infections as well.
What does Critroni Ransomware do?
When you download and accidentally (most probably) install the fake flash player file, it adds additional entries to Windows Registry and a few files that are used for the auto-start. The next time you turn on your computer, this payload file runs automatically, connecting to a remote command and control server. Then it downloads Critroni.A Trojan that loads the ransomware itself.
Once Critroni Ransomware enters your computer, it encrypts your personal files using .ctbl format for the encrypted files. At the same time, when the encryption takes place, it blocks your desktop, displaying a black screen with the following message:
Your personal files are encrypted.
Your documents, photos, databases and other important files have been encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key, generated for this computer.
Private decryption key is stored on a secret Internet server and nobody can decrypt your files until you pay and obtain the private key.
This message disappears if you restart your computer, but you are given 72 hours to pay a huge amount of money, otherwise Critroni Ransomware threatens to destroy the decryption key. It is highly probable that there is no decryption key in the first place, and Critroni Ransomware simply wants to rip you off.
How to remove Critroni Ransomware?
The frustrating part about Critroni Ransomware infection is that it does real harm by encrypting your files. That is why you must create a file backup either on a cloud drive or external HDD. As for Critroni Ransomware itself, you need to remove it with a licensed computer security tool; otherwise you risk the application regenerating itself.
Scan the PC with SpyHunter free scanner and determine all the malicious files that need to be removed in order to protect your system from further damage. Do not hesitate to invest in a security application that would help you avoid similar threats in the future. For any further questions or assistance, please leave us a comment in the box below.
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