
What is BrowserDefender.exe?

Even though it may seem as if BrowserDefender.exe is a computer file which can help you protect your Internet browsers, in reality, this component is just another adware helper. As research shows, this executable file may belong to Bit89 Inc. or PerformerSoft LLC. The first company is known for highly suspicious browser plugins which are powered through adware and which are supposed to present you with monetization services. It appears that both of the companies are closely knit, as such PerformerSoft programs as Audio Performer, Codec Performer or Driver Performer could potentially be affiliated to the adware plugins. We strongly recommend that you remove BrowserDefender.exe from your personal computer, and the information below explains why and how to delete this executable. If you are struggling with the removal of programs linked to the file – post a comment below and we will help you as soon as possible.

Do you need to delete BrowserDefender.exe?

The suspicious BrowserDefender.exe is also known as bprotect.exe, and the file usually comes together with browser add-ons that you download onto the computers. The size of the file is usually 2.82M and you are likely to find it in the BrowserDefender folder under %ALLUSERSPROFILE%. The component acts as a BHO (browser helper object) and it may secretly collect information about your browsing habits and activity whenever you launch a browser, search the web, look for information and visit sites. What is more, the component could hijack the Windows Virtual Memory processes and also release a number of pop-up advertisements, which you will not be able to stop or remove. If you have noticed this already, you should stop all browsing activity and scan the PC for BrowserDefender.exe. Unfortunately, if you are not an experienced Windows user, you may know nothing about this file, which is why a legitimate spyware scanner should be employed at all times. Click the download button below to install a reliable scanner onto your personal computer.

How to remove BrowserDefender.exe?

If you discover that your personal Windows system is infected with malware or potentially unwanted programs are running without your knowledge, you should immediately employ automatic spyware detection and removal tools. Authentic security tools will delete BrowserDefender.exe and ensure that your PC is secured against the attacks of schemers. And what if you do not remove the file related to adware? It is possible that soon enough schemers will employ this BHO to spy on you and your virtual activity. Even if the data was collected for statistical purposes, you can never be too sure about who eventually could get a hold of it. If you do not want to fall victim to virtual scams, we suggest you move fast with the removal process.

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