What is BlueFlare Anti-Virus?
BlueFlare Anti-Virus is not a legitimate security program despite its alluring name. It is a rogue antispyware application that is a dangerous computer threat. Catching this infection is proved to be detrimental not only to your computer, but to your financial security as well. BlueFlare Anti-Virus works just like any other rogue out there by tricking you into believing that your computer is seriously infected and then luring your money out of you.
Usually BlueFlare Anti-Virus gets into your system via Trojan infection. There are a lot of Trojans which are associated with rogues and they can connect to servers and download spyware onto your computer without your knowledge or consent. The same happens with BlueFlare Anti-Virus. This rogue enters your computer in stealth and can remain hidden until at one time it suddenly pops into action and starts performing a fake system scan.
The scan results will present you with a long list of malware which supposedly resides in your computer and you will be urged to purchase the full version of BlueFlare Anti-Virus. Were you to do so, you will expose your banking information to cyber criminals and will end up losing all of your money in the end, while your computer will still be plagued by this rogue. Remove BlueFlare Anti-Virus to avoid this from happening and protect your computer against future attacks, because there are new rogues coming out every single day.
tested removal of BlueFlare Anti-Virus* 100% FREE spyware scan and

Stop these BlueFlare Anti-Virus Processes: