What is Bancos Trojan?
Bancos Trojan is a devious computer infection that steals sensitive information, which may lead you to a great loss of money. If the Trojan is not detected and removed by the antivirus program, the threat changes some setting of the system in order to monitor the user’s actions and inputs of information. Therefore, a slowdown of the computer’s overall performance is highly possible; thus if you do not want to suffer from a far-reaching consequence, keep your antivirus program updated so that it can fight Bancos Trojan off.
The main reason why it is important to be aware of the virus and remove it when necessary is its ability to steal online banking information, which may be transferred to attackers via email or posted on a website. Once in the system, the threat monitors what websites are visited by the user, and if one of them is the website of a bank, the username and passwords are recorded. It is known that Bancos Trojan can replace the original website with a fake one in order to collect the information successfully. If you have this pest on your PC, you may not be aware that you are entering your personal information directly into the criminals’ database.
The Trojan is also capable of performing some more malicious actions, some of which the user may not be aware of. For example, the Trojan may disable Safe Mode; it can also copy and store its files in different locations, stop processes and disable such Windows utilities as Windows Security Center and Windows Firewall, access the email account, etc. The threat may also display browser pop-ups and modify the Internet browser settings. Thus the removal of the Trojan will prevent you from data loss, and will allow you to use the computer properly.
If you do not want to be robbed, scan the system to check whether Bancos Trojan is on the PC or not and remove if it is damaging your PC. Scanning of the system will show the actual condition of the computer. If the virus is present, after removing it from the system, the computer will start running normally; the speed of the Internet will be back to normal and you will be able to access your online bank account safely, especially if you remove Bancos Trojan with the help of SpyHunter, which will protect the computer against different types of malware.
Our Anti-spyware-101.com team highly recommends using a reputable anti-spyware, because this method insures that the infection is deleted completely. More importantly, a spyware removal tool will provide you with a possibility to re-use it in the future and fight different infections off.
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