Author Archives: Max Lehmann - Page 95 is a browser hijacker, and this website will appear on your browser when you expect it the least. You should not feel startled by it because there is always a way to get rid of a browser hijacker. You can remove manually if you follow the instructions right below this description. While you are at it, you should also consider investing in a legitimate security application that would protect your system from similar intruders. If you need any help trying to decide on one, please leave us a comment below, and we will help you with that. Please take the first initiative! Read more » looks like a normal search engine you could trust, but that is far from the truth. Sure, this tools works, but is it trustworthy? Our malware researchers at think that it is not. After researching this search tool thoroughly, we have come to a conclusion that it should be classified as a browser hijacker. First of all, it is unlikely that this search tool is promoted on its own. You probably have downloaded it along with third-party programs that might be malicious as well. Maybe you did not want to install it at all? Second, even if you have installed it yourself, is it possible that maybe you have been misled? If a search tool is introduced to you with all kinds of beneficial features, but you realize that the tool is not all that great once you install it, you have the right to call it a hijacker because it was promoted using misleading information. Overall, we advise removing from your browsers, and we have more reasons for that. Read more »

Angela Merkel Ransomware

Angela Merkel Ransomware

Angela Merkel Ransomware is a dangerous threat targeting users’ personal files. Of course, Angela Merkel has nothing to do with it. This infection has been called like this only because it uses a picture of this political figure. According to experts working at, it is very likely that Angela Merkel Ransomware is not exactly new even though it has been detected recently. Specialists say that it might be very true that this computer infection is based on the engine of Exotic Ransomware, which was quite prevalent some time ago. At the time of writing, it seems that Angela Merkel Ransomware is still in development because it does not work properly. Unfortunately, it does not mean that it will leave your files unencrypted. It is not so hard to understand why file-encrypting ransomware infections act the way they do – they are tools that help cyber criminals extort money from users. In the case of Angela Merkel Ransomware, users cannot send the required money even if they want to because cyber criminals have forgotten to leave their Bitcoin address. In other words, it is impossible to make a payment. Of course, you might be reading this article because you have encountered a new fixed version of Angela Merkel Ransomware. In such a case, you should not spend your money on an expensive decryption key cyber criminals might not even have too. Read more »

If you are wondering why your web browser's default settings were changed without any notification, it is likely the doing of a browser hijacker. One application that is of this particular category is called do. If indeed it is active on your PC there is only one thing that should be done about it, and that is its complete removal. Our research team urges you to do so since it exhibits a number of invasive negative features, which in consequence cause major interruptions every single time you decide to surf the web. On top of ruining your daily online experience the hijacker in question could prove to be much more alarming that you might anticipate; it has been discovered that in some cases changes made by this intrusive application could prove to be the primary reason your computer might get infected with other potentially malicious programs. Use the removal instructions that we present below to delete as soon as possible if it is found running on your computer. Read more » is a potentially unreliable search engine page that can appear in your browsers after you install an online video converter application. In fact, this questionable program only seems to affect Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer but not Google Chrome. It is, of course, possible that in the near future a new version will come out that will show up in Chrome as well. Because of its capabilities, our malware specialists at have classified this infection as a browser hijacker. This malware infection may change your home page, new tab page, and default search engine settings. We have found that this browser extension is completely unnecessary and simply serves as a potentially unsafe mediator since it does not have its own functions other than redirecting you to other websites. Since this browser hijacker could introduce you to questionable third-party content that may pose a threat to your system security, we suggest that you remove as soon as possible from your browsers. Read more »

Code 00xo4c08 Pop-up

Code 00xo4c08 Pop-up

Code 00xo4c08 Pop-up is a notification delivered to you via your browser, and the goal behind it is to trick you into thinking that Microsoft is urging you to call the provided helpline number. This scam is just as scary as the 1-888-535-7102 TechScam, 1-800-418-4202 TechScam, and all other scams that push their victims to call fictitious helplines numbers. The good news is that the notifications linked to this scam are very easy to elude, and you should be able to get them out of you face just by closing the browser or the pop-ups introducing them. The bad news is that malware active on your PC could be delivering these misleading pop-ups and initiating unauthorized redirecting to web pages that display fake alerts. Overall, if you are reading this, you are on the right track because you already know that someone is trying to scam you. research team has tested the threat, and the report explains how to remove Code 00xo4c08 Pop-up and protect yourself from other virtual scams. Read more »

iRansom Ransomware

iRansom Ransomware

The entrance of a malicious application iRansom Ransomware means that a bunch of personal files stored on the computer will become unusable. Even though this infection was first detected at the beginning of November 2016 and is quite new, it also encrypts files like older ransomware infections. Just like these other threats, it does that so that it would give users a reason to pay money cyber crooks want from them. If you have got infected with this ransomware infection too, do not transfer money to cyber criminals even though it is said that purchasing the private key “stored on a hidden Internet database” is the only way to unlock files. What you should do instead of buying the key is to fully delete the ransomware infection from the system. Even though these personal files will stay encrypted, iRansom Ransomware could not encrypt new files you create in the %USERPROFILE% directory again. Also, the blue window with a ransom note will no longer be visible on Desktop. Read more »

Telecrypt Ransomware

Telecrypt Ransomware

Telecrypt Ransomware is a malicious threat that targets your personal files to encrypt them and, eventually, demand a ransom in return for their release. This devious infection is targeted at users who live in Russia (possibly the neighboring countries where Russian is spoken as well), and, of course, all information it provides is in Russian. The primary source of communication for this threat is a three-part notification that is represented via a pop-up window. It does not lock the screen, and you can easily close it by clicking the “X” button on the top-right corner. According to the information in this notification, you need to pay a ransom to have your files back, and we will discuss this notification in depth further in this report. Right now, we need to tell you that you must focus on this threat completely. The longer you postpone dealing with it, the more trouble you might get yourself into. You can read this report to learn if you can delete Telecrypt Ransomware from your operating system yourself, as well as what you can do to potentially retrieve your personal files. Read more »

Have you decided that is a trustworthy search tool, but you need our reassurance? Well, we cannot provide you with that because we classify it as browser hijacker, and, of course, we always recommend removing hijackers. Why? The answer is multilayered, and so we cannot give it in one answer, but we can guarantee that by the time you are done reading this report, you will realize that deleting is something you should have already done. Unfortunately, other threats might require your attention first. According to the research we have done in our internal lab, there is a great chance that malware runs on your PC along with the hijacker. How come? The hijacker has been found traveling in software bundles, and, of course, it is much more likely to travel packaged with malware rather than legitimate, harmless programs. Even if the programs bundled together look harmless, you have to analyze them. Hopefully, a full system scan shows no threats, and you can fully focus on the hijacker. Read more »

Weather Hub

Weather Hub

Weather Hub may seem to you a useful and spectacular browser extension that provides you with a nice background, a toolbar, local weather information, and a search engine as well. What a package! Until you find out that this is actually a browser hijacker that is capable of presenting to you unreliable third-party content through its modified search results. What’s more, our malware researchers at say that this malware infection can enter your computer with a company of other threats as well, which can seriously increase the vulnerability of your virtual security. We suggest that you do not keep this browser hijacker on your system because you might land on malicious websites and become a victim of online scams if you engage with its content. In fact, we recommend that you remove Weather Hub as soon as possible. At the end of our article, we will share our solution to protect your computer from this and similar threats. But now, let us tell you what we have found in relation to this potentially harmful browser extension. Read more »