Symbiom Ransomware is a newly created file-encrypting application based on an open source code known as Hidden Tear. Therefore, it is entirely possible users could decrypt the files that were enciphered by this threat with a decryption tool created for Hidden Tear by volunteer IT specialists. Symbiom Ransomware’s developers are offering to recover its malware’s damaged files for a particular price, but since there are no guarantees they will hold to their word, our researchers at recommend not to risk losing one’s savings. Instead, we advise you to erase the malicious application and look for other ways to get your valuable data back. For this reason, we are providing deletion instructions at the end of the report. However, if you do not want to take any rash decisions, it would be a good idea to read the article first and get to know this infection better. Read more »
Author Archives: Max Lehmann - Page 63
Gryphon Ransomware
Gryphon Ransomware is one more file-encrypting program that should never be active on your operating system. If unfortunately, that is the case already, be sure to execute its complete removal right away. Applications of this classification are extremely dangerous due to their malicious capabilities. They can encrypt vast amounts of data within a matter of minutes on the affected hard drive. That can obviously cause disastrous outcomes. To understand how this ransomware application functions, make sure to read the rest of our report as we provide detailed information about its intricate inner workings. Alongside, you will also find virtual security recommendations that will allow you to maintain a fully secure operating system at all times. Finally, our research team has crafted a detailed removal guide that we present below. Use it to delete Gryphon Ransomware without encountering any major problems. Read more »
Battlefield Ransomware
Our malware testers have concluded that Battlefield Ransomware is still in development but was released anyway to bring in some cash for the developers. It is almost complete, and our researchers say that one of the few things that they expect to be addressed is the list of encrypted files which is set to expand. Its creators want you to pay a ransom for a decryption tool, but you should not trust them as they may not keep their word. Therefore, we believe that is necessary to remove it as you may lose your money as well as your files. Nevertheless, there is hope as we have heard of a decryption tool that may be released, so try finding it first before you resort to other options. Read more »
Weather Inspect
At first sight, a program that goes by the name of Weather Inspect might seem like an application worthy of having up and running on your PC. On its official websites, developers present their product as an innovative, most useful, and accurate weather forecast tool that you can obtain. Unfortunately, that is not the whole story. After a thorough investigation, malware experts working at have concluded that this program is nothing more than yet another adware application disguised as a convenient tool to lure unsuspecting users into downloading and installing it without understanding its actual functionality. In reality, this piece of software will make turn your time online into a frustrating and bothersome experience, and that is not even the worst thing about it. As it turns out, this application could cause virtual security issues. Find out more about this ad-supported program to understand why its removal is critical. To delete Weather Inspect once and for all, make use of the detailed instructions that we present along with this report. Read more »
Malki Ransomware
If you see words “ENTER UNLOCK CODE GIVEN BY MALKI!!!” and your screen is blocked; you might have encountered a threat known as Malki Ransomware. Unfortunately, it also means your files are most likely enciphered with a secure cryptosystem. Users can see how much damage was done after unlocking the screen. All files that were affected by this malicious program should have .malki extension at the end of the title. If you cannot wait to evaluate the damage to your files, we can offer our instructions provided at the end of the article. They will show both how to unblock the screen and erase the infection. However, if you wish to learn more about the malware first, we invite you to read the rest of this report. Read more »
Bitshifter Ransomware
Bitshifter Ransomware is a malicious computer infection. This program has been created to encrypt your files and then bully you into giving away your money for the decryption key that may not even exist. Ransomware programs always say that they will give the affected users means to restore their files, but more often than not, users end up with the short end of a stick, and they must look for other ways to retrieve their files. Hence, do not fall for this trick and remove Bitshifter Ransomware from your computer at once. That will be the best to you and your system. Read more »
Viro Ranasomware
A new HiddenTear-based ransomware infection has been spotted in the wild by malware researchers. It has been given the name Viro Ranasomware. At the time of writing, it does not encrypt any files, so it is believed that it is still in development. No matter you have discovered your files encrypted or not, you must still immediately delete this infection from your system because there is a huge possibility that it one day will be updated and then will lock your personal files without mercy. Ransomware infections usually target the most valuable files like pictures, documents, text files, and videos. Then, they demand a ransom in exchange for the decryption tool. Although Viro Ranasomware does not encrypt personal files, it still asks money from users, so it has been categorized as ransomware not without reason. Since Viro Ranasomware is still in development, it is impossible to purchase the password that has to be entered in the pop-up window opened on Desktop. Specifically speaking, no information about the payment is provided even though it tells users to send money. Luckily, the pop-up window opened can be easily closed and the new wallpaper set changed at the time of writing, so you do not even need this password. The new updated version of this threat might provide the step-by-step instructions explaining how to send the money required, but, in this case, our piece of advice for you remains the same – you must delete Viro Ranasomware from your computer. Yes, you are right – we are strictly against making payments to malicious software developers. Read more »
Unknown System Failure Scam Tech Support Scam
Unknown System Failure Scam Tech Support Scam is the most recent tech support scam currently on the web. Its creators want to convince you that your computer has been infected with spyware and a virus, and call their promoted tech support phone number to receive assistance. However, you will not get anything useful out of that call because the techies on the other end of the line are most likely incompetent and can offer you useless fake anti-virus programs as well as charge for their services even though the number should be toll-free. In any case, you should remove this scam from your PC, provided that it is shown by a malicious browser extension. Nevertheless, malicious websites can redirect you to this scam page as well. Read more »
Quakeway Ransomware
It looks like Quakeway Ransomware might be currently inactive, but users may still come across this malicious program. The malware’s sample our researchers at tested did not encipher any files located on the computer, although the infection’s shown warning message claimed the complete opposite. However, it does not mean the threat cannot encipher data since the further research revealed it should be capable of doing so. In such case, the encrypted files should be marked with a second extension called .org, e.g. It seems to us the best course of action after encountering Quakeway Ransomware is removing the malicious program from the system as soon as possible. It would probably be easier to erase it with an antimalware tool, but you can try the manual deletion instructions available below the text too. Read more »
Scorpio Ransomware
There are no good things that we can say about a program that goes by the name of Scorpio Ransomware. If you are not intimately familiar with these types of applications, you can consider yourself lucky and should take all possible action to avoid them. That is so because programs classified as ransomware are created for a single purpose - to lock vast amounts of data on the affected operating system. This might have disastrous outcomes if you use your computer for work or otherwise important activities. In some instances, files affected by this malware might be corrupted once and for all. It goes without saying that such functionality cannot be tolerated under any circumstances. To have a full understanding of the intricate inner workings of this malicious program and to learn how you can protect your PC from it, be sure to read our report. Besides all of that, we also present a detailed removal guide that you must use immediately if you already have Scorpio Ransomware up and running on your PC. Read more »