Do not get fooled by misleading marketing strategies employed by the vendors of HappySale. This program is mostly advertised as an excellent tool that should be used to improve your online shopping experience; unfortunately, these statements are used to manipulate unsuspecting users into downloading and installing an application that has been classified by our research team as adware. You can expect no good from it, as it will only cause major disruptions while you are surfing the web. Make sure to avoid this ad-supported application at all times since it holds no valuable features whatsoever. In order to avoid all the annoying activities that this adware promotes, make sure to completely remove HappySale as soon as possible. Make sure to use the removal guide provided below to terminate it without encountering any major problems. Read more »
Author Archives: Max Lehmann - Page 159
RedShiftPrices is not the application you think it is. Even though most users are made believe that this program is beneficial, you can rely on our research to learn how this program actually works. Unfortunately, it is most likely that you will find this program acting in a completely unexpected manner. Did you expect it to provide you with discounts and shopping deals? Even though, in theory, this mischievous program could show beneficial shopping deals, it is most likely that you will be exposed to unreliable apps. Most users think that they can handle unreliable ads, but that is rarely the case. The truth is that even the most dangerous and unreliable pop-ups, banner ads, and other types of ads could be presented in an attractive manner. Needless to say, if you interacted with the malicious ads, you could get yourself in quite a predicament. This is the primary reason you must remove RedShiftPrices. Read more »
InfoAtoms is a browser extension that will help you search for information, translate, and get word synonyms. However, it has one major disadvantage. The application will show commercial advertisements that are very obnoxious. We are of the opinion that you should remove this application, because the pros of InfoAtoms do not outweigh the cons. But, nevertheless, we want to provide you with an analysis of this program so you can see for yourself that it is not useful. Read more »
RaaS Ransomware
The first symptom that RaaS Ransomware has entered the system is the inability to access documents, pictures, and other files. Ransomware infections are designed to do that because people behind them seek to obtain money from innocent computer users. In case of RaaS Ransomware, this infection can be bought by anyone seeking to earn money because it is promoted on the Tor network. As you can see, it is impossible to know what is behind RaaS Ransomware; however, we definitely know that it is very prevalent and you have to take care of your system’s safety in case you do not want to encounter it. Have you already noticed that the majority of your files are encrypted? If so, there is no doubt that RaaS Ransomware has been used against you. This infection disappears after it does its main job, so there is nothing to remove. Read more »
On2GoApp is yet another adware application developed by the infamous Justplug it Ltd. We want to inform you that this application should be removed, because it is of no use to you. This application was developed with the intention of bombarding your browser with commercial advertisements of questionable legitimacy. The advertisements may redirect you to unreliable websites that feature malicious content, so you should avoid installing this application if you are presented with the opportunity. Our researchers at are well versed on these kinds of applications, so we will provide you with the most relevant information about On2GoApp. Read more »
TankGripHook is a recently released adware program that displays rather obnoxious advertisements. We at think that this application has no reason to be on your computer. It does not improve the browsing experience, but hampers it by promoting third-party content of unknown origin. We are of the opinion that you should remove this application as soon as possible, because your computer might get more adware applications if you click any of TankGripHook’s ads. Read more »
There are many PC optimization tools available and DailyPCClean is one of them. This software is promoted on its official website Users who visit this website notice that this program can clean and optimize their systems, remove broken shortcuts, ensure that computers are actively protected, and even protect their privacy. Despite all these useful features, this program is still classified as a potentially unwanted program (PUP). There are several reasons why researchers working at put it under this category. We will list them in this article and provide you with all the necessary information regarding the removal of this program. No, we do not say that you have to erase DailyPCClean; however, it would be best to do that if you have downloaded this program from some kind of third-party website. Read more »
iWin Games
You might be surprised to know that iWin Games is a potentially unwanted application, even though its games are legitimate and fun to play. The main reason why might want to remove this application is the fact that it might display commercial advertisements while you play the games. It is said that the ads are not only annoying, but can also lead to your computer becoming infected with malicious software. Whether you want to uninstall this application is completely up to you, but we recommend that you read the full article before making this decision. Read more »
BeagleBrowser is a potentially unwanted application that looks like a decent web browser. The program may enter your computer accidentally when you install freeware downloaded from third-party websites. It is in your best interests to remove BeagleBrowser from your computer because this web browser could be easily exploited by cyber criminals. We will discuss the potential threats behind this application in our article. Meanwhile, you should invest in a legitimate antispyware tool to run a full system scan and see whether your computer is really as safe as you think. Do not hesitate to delete all the potential threats with an automated antispyware tool. Read more »
Computer Chair
“Computer Chair” is one of those applications that you really do not want to have on your computer, but sometimes you can get them accidentally. So, if your computer has Computer Chair installed on it and you are looking for ways to remove it, then you have come to the right website. Our security experts at are well-versed on programs such as this, so we want to provide you with the most relevant information we were able to dig up. We kindly invite you to read this article and use the instructions we have provided to get rid of this extension once and for all. Read more »