Wisen Wizard is a free browser add-on which you monitors your browsing behavior and displays various pop-ups, including coupons, web banners and other types of advertisements. The application works on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. If you have not downloaded it from wisenwizard.net, it suggests that you acquired the application through some bundled installer. There are hundreds of free programs that are distributed by the installers of other programs; hence, you should always read the license agreement that you are provided with by the installation wizard. Moreover, the system should be protected from spyware and malware programs. Read more »
Author Archives: Lisa Blanc - Page 329
Windows AntiBreach Suite
Windows AntiBreach Suite is a fraudulent computer application which is created to look like a regular computer security program. The malicious program can get onto your computer through malicious links, insecure websites and in many other ways. Windows AntiBreach Suite is a clone of Windows AntiBreach Tool, Windows Paramount Protection, Windows Antivirus Master and many other counterfeit programs. You should not trust Windows AntiBreach Suite because it is not capable of detecting and removing computer infections even though its fake scanner suggests that your computer is infected by a great many Trojan horses, worms and other threats. Read more »
If you ever come across KeyDownload program onto your computer, you should know that it is better to get rid of it because it is not a program that is going to do anything really beneficial for you. As our specialists have revealed, this application is basically an adware, which means that it is going to provide you with a variety of advertisements. These advertisements will be placed on different websites on the entire web, including online shopping websites. It means that your browsing experience is going to be disrupted. Do not think that you will be able to get rid of KeyDownload very easily because this sneaky adware works regardless of your browser or your operating system. Read more »
Ads by Clicksor
If it happens that you are seeing various advertisements while you are browsing the web, it might be true that you have come across Clicksor ads. These advertisements are brought by Clicksor company, which is located in Canada. All these commercials that might appear throughout the entire web have nothing to do with your computer because Clicksor itself is a contextual advertizing network. As you have probably understood, you will see different commercials regardless of the browser or the operating system that you use. You will not be able to turn these ads off whenever you want. The good thing is that Clicksor has a good protection program; thus, the advertisements supposedly should not cause any harm to your system. Read more »
Pp.developunit.info Pop-up
Pp.developunit.info Pop-up is not an adware program, but it can be used by adware applications to display commercial advertisements or redirect users to commercial websites. The adware platform itself technically is not malicious, but you really need to consider all the potential security threats before you allow Pp.developunit.info Pop-up and programs related to it stay on your computer. Technically, in order to get rid of Pp.developunit.info Pop-up you need to determine which program it has come with, and then remove the program responsible first. Then, scan the computer in search for other potentially unwanted and even dangerous files. Read more »
TheBflix is a browser extension which is considered to be unreliable and irrelevant. Even though PC users install it hoping that various beneficial money-saving deals will be presented to them, it is now clear that the plugin has been created to present you with third party advertisements. You are wrong to believe that authentic deals, coupons and offers are presented by the plugin. In reality, it is third party affiliates, and this is the main reason why you need to be extra cautious. According to Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers, whenever third parties are involved, the risk of intrusive activity arises. Can you imagine what would happen if schemers managed to push their corrupted advertisements as legitimate ones? Due to this, our security experts recommend having TheBflix deleted from the operating system. Read more »
Special Savings
Special Savings is nothing more than the advertising-supported program, which has been supposedly created to show various coupons, deals, and other ads. Even though it states that it can save your money by providing promo codes that will work on more than 4,000 stores, we do not recommend trusting this applications because it is very likely that it might disturb you and you will not be able to browse the web freely. Besides, it might even take you to the websites that are corrupted. This program works on all the browsers and all the versions of Windows starting from Windows XP up to Windows 8. Thus, each computer user can encounter this sneaky application. Read more »
Browser extensions are meant to enhance your browsing; however, GoingGo is not a plugin which you should trust to provide you with the best services. In fact, this application is extremely suspicious and virtual security experts recommend that you delete it from the operating system right away. If you do not remove GoingGo, there is a great chance that the questionable program will spy on you, and this is not what you should allow happening. Well, do you know how to delete the suspicious application? Do you know how to stop adware related to it? Do you know how to protect your Windows operating system against other potentially harmful threats? Continue reading to find the answers. Read more »
Sweet Page
Sweet Page will not seem so sweet if it manages to corrupt your Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome browsers. This devious browser hijacker camouflages as a regular search engine; however, there is no doubt that this tool is not regular or reliable for that matter. Therefore, if you have discovered that sweet-page.com has been infiltrated onto your browsers, you need to rush and delete Sweet Page hijacker as soon as possible. If you postpone the task or decide to ignore the infection altogether, soon enough unreliable parties could spy on your virtual activity and flood your browsers with intrusive offers which may be personally targeted according to the retrieved information. Do you need assistance with the removal of the clandestine browser hijacker? Then continue reading the report which has been created with the help of experienced malware researchers. Read more »
FreeBillPayAlert Toolbar
If you ever come across FreeBillPayAllert Toolbar, you should better not install it onto your computer. Have you already done that? You should definitely remove it from your system for several reasons. First of all, you will not be able to set the homepage that you wish and secondly, it might cause harm to the security of your system via the advertisements that you might come across if you are going to use the search engine set by this browser hijacker. FreeBillPayAlert Toolbar is compatible with all the browsers and installs extension on all of them, which means that you will have to disable them if you want to get rid of FreeBillPayAllert Toolbar itself. Read more »