
What is atieclxx.exe?

atieclxx.exe is a legitimate Windows process file that belongs to AMD External Events. This program is related to ATi Graphic card drivers, and it is either responsible for running the card or simply performing a subsidiary role. As you can see, atieclxx.exe is a legitimate process file that is necessary in order for your graphic card to function properly. However, sometimes this file name can be used by computer malware to infiltrate your system as well. In such a case, you have to differentiate between the real atieclxx.exe and the fake atieclxx.exe, because there is no way that ATi Graphic card drivers could be related to malware infection.

How to determine whether atieclxx.exe is real?

You need to check the location and the size of the file. Generally, the real atieclxx.exe is located in C:\Windows\System32 directory. Usually the file size for atieclxx.exe is 348,160 bytes and you should also take note of its MD5. MD5 is a message-digest algorithm that functions as a unique digital signature for a particular file, so even if two files have the same names, they will have different MD5 codes, and it is possible to tell apart which file is which. The MD5 for the original atieclxx.exe is 46b175d56d7235d700394ed99050617f. However, for MD5 you should make use of a reliable antimalware program such as SpyHunter free scanner.

If there is something wrong with any file on your PC, the computer security tool will be able to detect it immediately.

What if atieclxx.exe is fake?

If the file is located in the aforementioned directories and it is no bigger than 364KB then you have nothing to worry about it. However, if the file name is used to hide malicious programs, then it is possible for the file to gather sensitive information on your PC, such as your banking logins and passwords. Not to mention that it can access remote servers behind your back and upload data collected on your PC for a cyber criminal to see.

Although it is hard to say what exactly the malicious atieclxx.exe version does, you have to consider all main possibilities. Depending on what a hacker behind this infection wants it to do, atieclxx.exe may expose your system to other infections, allowing Trojans, worms and other malware to enter your PC. Therefore, unless you remove atieclxx.exe from your computer, eventually you may experience data theft and even an ultimate system crash, because all disasters begin with a small infection.

How to remove atieclxx.exe?

If you are not an experienced computer user it would be for the best to acquire a legitimate computer safeguard program that has all the up-to-date malware definitions and can remove the malicious version of atieclxx.exe at once. Although you may not be eager to make use of a computer security application, do not forget that this investment may protect you from other stealthy intruders in the future.

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