What is About Blank?
If your home page has suddenly been changed and now all you face is “About Blank”, there is no doubt that your computer has been infected with a vicious hijacker which is very well know for its abilities to regenerate upon the removal. Once of the reasons why it could be extremely difficult to delete About Blank hijacker is its close connections to Trojans, worms or other infections which are likely to be the reason behind the infection’s existence. Any of these malignant programs could be hidden from your sighting, and therefore, if you keep them running, the hijacker will be able to regenerate even if you delete it, since its infiltration source will remain active.
Even though active Trojans are very likely to help About Blank hijacker to infect different browsers, there are plenty of other infiltration channels to slip the infection into your computer. So, if you do not want to worry about its removal, always stay alert about how you browse and what you download, as any click could let it malware. Another thing you should know about the malicious program’s spreading is that it is usually remains undetected by antivirus programs, because it is not categorized as a malicious tool. Regardless, the About Blank hijacker is truly dangerous, and if you ignore it or continue browsing the web, you are likely to face fictitious advertisements. If malignant adware tricked you into clicking on suspicious links, downloading software or paying for bogus goods, you could allow more malicious infections to enter your Windows system or could even lose your own money. What is more, the vicious About Blank could also employ a browser helper object to collect information about browsing habits, which could help cyber criminals to produce personalized advertisements to increase the chances of fooling you.
Every time you launch your Internet browser you will be greeted with “about:blank” in the URL search bar, and this is the main sign that the About Blank has infected your PC. Additionally, you will also face adware, unauthorized malware downloads and unsuccessful attempts to remove the devious program. So, if the reported disturbances are familiar to you, AntiSpyware101 team urges you to remove About Blank hijacker as soon as you possibly can. The quickest way to have the infection deleted is by using SpyHunter, a legal, up-to-date malware removal application. Of course, if you want you can continue manually, but this removal option is much more complicated and should only be executed by Windows professionals. To commence, you will need to find the hidden key AppInit_Dlls and rename the dynamic link library file to terminate the creation of its copies. Also, remember that if you have any questions regarding About Blank removal, do not hesitate to post a comment below.
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