Monthly Archives: September 2017 - Page 9

Null Ransomware

Null Ransomware

If your PC has been infected with Null Ransomware, then you ought to remove it as soon as you can because it will encrypt your files immediately. The cyber criminals behind this ransomware want you to pay a measly 10 USD for a decryption key, but the problem is that you might not get the key even after you have paid. This ransomware targets personal files in particular. Our researchers say that this specific ransomware is dedicated to encrypting pictures and documents. It uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to encrypt your files. The encryption is very strong, and there is no free decryption tool available yet. For more information on this particular ransomware, please continue reading. Read more »

Error 0x8007042c

Error 0x8007042c is a fake alert. The presence of a fake alert does not necessarily mean that your computer is infected with malware. However, it shows that someone is trying to push you into spending your money on something you do not need. These fake alerts are essential parts of tech support scams that have been multiplying quite fast lately. While you do not need to remove any program to get rid of Error 0x8007042c, you might want to consider acquiring a legitimate antispyware tool that would protect your personal information from similar intruders. After all, cyber threats are always just around a corner. Read more »

Windows Pc Repair

Windows Pc Repair is an invasive fake alert that every Internet users should avoid at all times. Such devious error messages are usually crafted by cyber crooks, who are trying to make illegal profits from naive Internet users. In the majority of cases, you can avoid falling pray to such a devious scheme by closing the browser tab that presents you with the hoax warning message. Unfortunately, some users are manipulated by dishonest scare techniques. To learn more about the functionality of this fake alert and how it could prove to be dangerous, make sure to read the rest of this detailed article. In addition to such information, we also present a few simple, yet very effective virtual security tips, which will help you keep your operating system safe and secure at all times. Finally, you will find generic removal instructions that will help you delete a program associated with Windows Pc Repair without a lot of trouble. Read more »

Google Chrome Fatal Error Popup Tech Support Scam

Google Chrome Fatal Error Popup Tech Support Scam is a devious fake alert crafted by cyber crooks to make illegal profits from unsuspecting Internet users. There are a couple of reasons you might encounter this hoax warning message. One of them is that you could stumble upon it while surfing the web recklessly. Another one is that a suspicious third-party application might be prompting the fake alert. Either way, you must take action to bypass this intrusive error message as it could lead you to further virtual security problems. Learn more about the suspicious functionality of this fake alert by reading the rest of this report. Additionally, we provide a few virtual security tips that will help you maintain a fully secure operating system. Finally, we present a generic removal guide that will help you delete a program associated with Google Chrome Fatal Error Popup Tech Support Scam in just a few simple steps. Read more » might look like a legitimate search engine, but our researchers say that this hijacker is nothing more than a browser hijacker that can get onto your PC without your permission via software bundles and replace your browser’s homepage address and new tab page address. If you use to search the Internet, then this hijacker will show you ad-supported search results. The problem is that this hijacker can display malicious links to scammy, malware-ridden websites that can jeopardize your computer’s security. For this reason, removing this search engine is highly recommended. Read more »

EasyEmailSuite Toolbar

EasyEmailSuite Toolbar

EasyEmailSuite Toolbar might seem like a useful program at first sight. That is mostly because it is advertised as a tool that allows users to manage numerous e-mail accounts. Unfortunately, such claims are not entirely true. Malware experts working at our internal labs have conducted an in-depth analysis of this application and eventually classified it as yet another potentially unwanted program that should not be active on your PC. Such categorization has been made mostly due to the fact that this application acts in an invasive an aggressive manner. It turns out it can make unwanted and unauthorized changes to your web browser's default settings. As you can guess, such undesirable alterations will have a negative effect on the way, you experience the web. To learn more about the devious inner workings of this potentially unwanted program, make sure to read this report. Below you will find a detailed removal guide that will help you delete EasyEmailSuite Toolbar in no time at all. Read more »

Critical Vulnerability Found Popup

Critical Vulnerability Found Popup is a fake alert that will disrupt your web browsing experience. This scam will try to convince you that there is something fundamentally wrong either with your computer or your browser. There has been an increase in such fake alerts lately, and it simply proves that the tech support scams are really successful in tricking gullible users into thinking that their systems are in danger and they must purchase some tech support service. You should never pay anything to Critical Vulnerability Found Popup. In fact, you need to close your browser right now and then scan your PC with a legitimate security tool. Read more »

Driving Directions Home

Driving Directions Home

If you download Driving Directions Home yourself, you might believe that this piece of software is useful and reliable. If it enters your operating system and browsers illegally, it should become obvious that it is malicious right away. So, how did this program get in? In fact, that does not matter all that much because, in either case, malware researchers recommend removing it. It is also advised that you inspect your operating system using a trusted and up-to-date malware scanner because the chances are that some other pieces of software were installed along with the PUP. This is extremely relevant for those users who find this software installed illegally. It is important that you inspect your PC right away because you do not want to waste time on some PUP if more serious threats are running wild. Of course, in the end, all threats must be eliminated. Naturally, in this report, we focus on deleting Driving Directions Home, as well as Read more »

Nulltica Ransomware

Nulltica Ransomware is one of the newest ransomware infections that we have come across recently on the web. This infection slithers into your computer behind your back and then it holds your computer hostage, demanding that you pay a ransom fee as soon as possible. Computer security experts recommend removing Nulltica Ransomware and then looking for ways to restore your encrypted files. It might sound discouraging because there is no public decryption tool available that would help you decrypt the files. Nevertheless, you should try out everything because there is a very good chance that you have copies of your files saved somewhere. Read more »

Novo Optimizer Gpu Miner

Novo Optimizer Gpu Miner

Novo Optimizer Gpu Miner is a suspicious program that can drain your GPU power and cause major performance setbacks as a side effect of its covert operation on your system. Our malware specialists have classified this program as a Trojan as it sneaks onto your PC without your knowledge and operates totally behind your back while not having any beneficial features for you at all. As a matter of fact, this Trojan is used by questionable parties as a source of cryptocurrency income by doing mining for digital currencies. Since this process requires serious GPU power, you will definitely notice the difference, although you may not realize exactly what causes the setback in PC performance. This is rather annoying and also could fry your video card in extreme situations. We advise you to remove Novo Optimizer Gpu Miner from your computer along with all other threats that may be hiding on your system. Read more »