Monthly Archives: April 2016 - Page 3



MyDownloadManager is a piece of software that is available for download on its official website and the official Chrome Web Store. On top of that, it is very likely that users can download it from other sources as well. As MyDownloadManager is promoted on several different websites, it is not surprising at all that it is quite popular. At the time of writing, there are 27 956 users in total who have downloaded, installed, and use MyDownloadManager. Of course, this number is higher because users can download this software from other websites, and we are sure that it might even sneak onto computers with the help of other applications. In fact, it is not a very rational decision to keep this application installed even though it claims that it will enable users to manage their downloads and search the web easily. There is one main reason why specialists do not trust MyDownloadManager – it is known to be a potentially unwanted program (PUP). Such programs are not very dangerous; however, they might still perform undesirable activities. We will tell you more about this software in this report. You will also know how to get rid of it after reading through this article. Read more »

Underground Coupon

Underground Coupon

Underground Coupon is an adware-type program that you should avoid getting on your computer, but if you do, then you ought to remove it. This application is configured to load various promoted websites, and we believe that some of them are unreliable and may get your computer infected with malware. Also, some websites may try to extract personal information from you or claim that you have won a prize and redirect to scam sites. Please continue reading to find out more about this adware. Read more »

Royal Raid

Royal Raid

Royal Raid is an adware application that manages to connect to the Internet without user’s knowledge, and it may download its updates or new versions without your consent too. Moreover, the application affects your browser by adding an extension to it. As you search the Internet, it will gather information related to your browsing and display advertising on websites, such as online shops. The program might also open new browser windows or tabs and redirect you to third-party web pages. There is a chance that some of the sites could have malware or other harmful content. Naturally, these activities show that the adware cannot be trusted, so you should either be extra cautious while browsing or delete the application. If you wish to remove the adware, just slide below the text and follow given instructions. Read more »

Zoom Player

Zoom Player

Zoom Player claims to be a powerful media player that can make “any PC into a Home Entertainment Center.” However, the program has a downside too, and our specialists warn users that it could be dangerous to their computers. Apparently, this media player is categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP), because it might download malicious software, such as Trojans or viruses without user’s consent. If you want to make sure that nothing like this happens to your computer, you should consider deleting the program. The PUP can be removed manually, although the process might look complicated. Still, you should be able to handle it if you follow the instructions provided below the text. In case the manual removal is too difficult, you can try automatic deletion with a security tool of your choice. Read more »



ByteMovie is a questionable application that may bite a piece off from your security cake if it finds a way to your operating system. Although it camouflages itself as a useful desktop program that enables you to access online free movies from your desktop, unfortunately, our malware researchers at have found that this is just a new version of worthless adware programs coming from a growing family. Apart from having proved to be a totally useless tool, this adware may put your virtual security at risk by the unreviewed and potentially harmful third-party content it may introduce you to. Our researchers suggest that you should remove ByteMovie if you want to put an end to this malware invasion. As a matter of fact, when you notice this application on board, it is a clear sign that there may also be other infections to worry about. If you read on, you will find out more about this adware application and the related threats as well. Read more »



WebUpdater is a potentially unwanted program that might be associated with several computer security problems. This program itself is not a dangerous infection, and it is quite common that users install it on their computers willingly (albeit unwittingly). Computer security experts recommend removing this application because it is barely useful, and it is redundant. Please scroll down to the bottom of this page for the manual removal instructions. If you think that manual removal may not be the choice for you, you can always invest in a licensed antispyware tool, and all the unwanted applications will be deleted for you automatically. Read more »



WeatherGrind is a questionable program that belongs to a recently emerged adware family. This family seems to be growing quite steadily and this new potential threat source just confirms it. This adware is a desktop program that is supposed to show you local weather and forecast information. Although it poses as a standalone desktop app, it simply loads a specific website and that is all it really does; well, apart from promoting other third-party content as well, of course. However, our malware researchers at have found that the content displayed by this adware cannot always be fully trusted. Therefore, you should be careful using this application. In fact, we advise you to remove WeatherGrind right away to be on the safe side. This adware is suspicious from the very beginning when you want to download it from its own official page. Let us tell you in more detail why we found this application risky to have on board. Read more »

Beleela Shopper

Beleela Shopper

Suspicious pop-ups and banner offers will start flooding you if you install Beleela Shopper. This ad-supported program might be introduced to you as a great tool, but all that it is good for is spying on your and exposing you to suspicious content. Even if this program shows a harmless deal that you can actually use to your own benefit, it does not mean that you are safe trusting it. This adware can easily expose you to corrupted links, as well as malware installers, and you might interact with them without even suspecting a risk. Due to this, we advise deleting Beleela Shopper without further delay. analysts have tested this ad-supported program, and it was found that it could be used for the distribution of potentially harmful infections. If you continue reading, you will learn how to protect yourself from all kinds of malicious infections, and you will learn how to identify them if they do manage to slither in. Read more »



Bargains is an application that promises to show you better deals while you shop online and save your money too. However, if you downloaded the program believing it will do as it promises; we have to disappoint you, because it is an adware application that probably was created to generate advertising revenue from your clicks. In fact, it is very similar to BuzzDeal that is also supposed to display exclusive deals, but it shows third-party ads. Bargains is an extension that can be added to the Google Chrome browser, but you will not find it in the Chrome Web Store. It may be that it was removed after the complaints from users or bad reviews. We would advise you to remove it from your browser too, because the application might by risky to use, especially when the ads come from unreliable sources. Read more »

Coupon Ahoy

Coupon Ahoy

If you are a frequent online shopper that wishes to find the best discount deals, make sure to avoid a program that goes by the name of Coupon Ahoy as it is an utterly worthless adware program. The marketing strategies employed by the developers of it are obviously targeted at users that often shop online as they promise you to present great discounted deals, promotional codes, and coupons that would consequently allow you to spend a considerably lower amount of money. While all of this sounds promising, you must be informed that in reality such web content will not be presented to you; instead, this adware program will randomly interfere with your online activates, which will eventually make your overall online experience a miserable one, to say the least. We highly recommend conducting a complete removal of Coupon Ahoy if you want to surf the web without any constant disruptions. Read more »