Monthly Archives: March 2016 - Page 6 is a web page that contains tweets with open positions available at different companies. The web page might seem to be useful for those who seek to find a job; however, it is definitely not as trustworthy as it seems to be at first glance. According to the researchers working at, there is even a risk that it will expose users to malicious software. We believe that there are many other ways to find a job and you do not need for that. Therefore, we suggest eliminating this web page from your Internet Explorer. Yes, this browser hijacker affects only this browser but, of course, you will need to get rid of it if you wish to see another homepage every time you open your browser. All the necessary information will be provided for you in this article, so we are sure that you will be able to eliminate this web page yourself. Read more »

Donation Reminder

Donation Reminder

Probably, those who installed Donation Reminder regret doing so already. Although the program seems like a fast and easy way to help others by donating money for various purposes, the software might be very harmful to your computer as it may contain malware. The application is classified as a potentially unwanted program (PUP), and it might sound not so dangerous, but if you continue reading the article you will learn more about the way it works and why it poses a threat to your system’s security. It would be advisable to remove the program as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it might be difficult for inexperienced users, so if you want to remove it manually, take a look at the instructions available below the article. Read more »

Flexible Family

Flexible Family

Flexible Family is a questionable desktop application that promises you “practical advice for your family,” unfortunately, it has proven to be simply a new invention from the same creators who are responsible for a number of identical ad-supported programs, such as SurveyMeta and LeadingVideos. This adware may pose as a multiple threat source for your computer. As a matter of fact, it can bring other malware programs on board, too. Apart from the questionable distribution methods used to spread this application over the web, it may also introduce you to unsafe web content and third-party advertising. Clicking on any content this adware may show you could result in your landing on unsafe websites. According to our researchers at, the presence of this application is rather undesirable and risky; therefore, you should remove Flexible Family and every other infection related to this adware. Please read the full article to find out more. Read more »

If you have experienced a change of your web browser’s default settings, it is a primary indication that a browser hijacker is active on your computer. One such application that fits this category perfectly is called If you ever happen to come across this invasive program make sure to stay away from it at all times. It is critical to do so as this hijacker can only make your web browsing experience an annoying and bothersome due to its invasive functionality. Along the changes that it makes the browser hijacker could also turn out to be a reason your computer might end up filled with suspicious programs. This is so because it could cause system exposure to potentially malicious web content. Such functionality of should not be tolerated, and it should be deleted without any hesitation. It is important to read the rest of this report in order to learn how this hijacker functions and how you can remove it without encountering major problems. Read more » might show Google search results via Google Custom Search; however, our researchers warn that this is yet another browser hijacker that might pose trouble. Since it is possible to set this search engine as your homepage, it is possible that you have installed it yourself. It is also possible that you have installed this search tool onto your browsers bundled with other suspicious programs. Of course, it is most shocking to find this search tool installed without permission, in which case, it is a malicious hijacker that you must eliminate from your browsers as soon as possible. Note that if this hijacker has found its way into your PC without your notice, it is very likely that other unreliable programs have infiltrated your operating system silently as well. Due to this, before you jump to removing, we advise running a malware scanner to find if you need to eliminate any other unreliable programs. Read more » is an invasive browser hijacker that you do not want to have running on your operating system under any circumstances. It goes without saying that just like any other browser hijacker the one in question must be removed without any hesitation since it holds no useful features. In fact, it will be the reason your online experience will become much worse. It is important to note that as well as being annoying this hijacker could operate in a rather invasive way as well, meaning that it could provide access to other suspicious software into your operating system. Additionally we want to highlight the fact that this dubious program is known to be active in the US and UK regions. Thus, users located in those specific areas should be extra aware of this intrusive application. Running on your operating is a risk that you should not take. Below we provide extensive information regarding the suspicious functionality of this hijacker along a comprehensive removal guide that will help you terminate it in just a few easy steps. Read more » is a questionable search engine that may emerge in your browsers without your knowledge or without your recalling its installation. No matter if you let it on board knowingly or it sneaks onto your computer without your permission because its presence is due to a browser hijacker in both cases. This is a fairly new hijacker that was activated on February 8th, 2016. Even if you did not notice when this browser hijacker infiltrated your system, you will definitely see that your browser home page and new tab page have been changed. This search page has a full-page background that changes every time you load it. But do not be misled by the nice pictures because this hijacker may introduce you to unsafe third-party web content. Keeping it in your browsers can result in more malware infections and other online scams as well. If you want to put an end to this kind of exposure to cyber criminals, we suggest that you remove right now. Read more »

Do not take any chances by running on your operating system. The application in question has been categorized as one more invasive browser hijacker due to its invasive nature. The result of having this hijacker active on your PC does not differ all that much from having any other hijacker running on your PC. Like so many of its counterparts it will alter your online experience in a negative way, to say the least; it will do so by making a few essential changes of your web browser’s default settings. As well as causing such annoyance this intrusive piece of software imposes certain virtual threats. In some cases this hijacker could expose your operating system to dubious and potentially dangerous web content, meaning that other questionable programs might be able to gain full access to your computer without much trouble. The rest of this report contains further information about the potentially malicious functionality of as well as a detailed removal guide that must be used in order delete this hijacker since it is the only way that you can restore the standard and safe functionality of your default web browser. Read more »



LeadingVideos is an advertising-supported application that is promoted on As the application looks quite beneficial and promises to enable users to watch videos straight from their Desktops, many people download the application themselves from its official website. Of course, they do not know that this program is adware because it does not inform users that it might provide them with various offers. If you have also installed this adware on your computer, you will have to eliminate it from your system now. We are sure that you will not contradict because you already know that this program is not as useful as it claims to be on its official website. Luckily, it is not that difficult to delete this adware program from the system. Of course, you can refer to the manual removal instructions if you need some help. Read through this article before you do that! Read more »

No doubt that’s appearance on your computer is tightly related to the existence of a potentially unwanted program (PUP) HolaInput. However, neither do they supplement each other nor fall under the same classification, since was classified as a browser hijacker. Meaning that the application will adjust your browser settings after settling into your computer, such as the search engine or homepage. This browser hijacker adds an extension too, but it does not make your browsing experience any better. What we know for sure is that it gathers information about you and the websites you visit for the extension’s creators. Consequently, it would be smart to delete this hijacker from your system. If you cannot manage to do it on your own, feel free to check our provided removal instructions below the article. Read more »