What is Windows Privacy Module?
Even if Windows Privacy Module claims that it is reliable, do not trust it, because it is a misleading software created to lure you into wasting money on its imaginary full version. This rogue is a clone of Windows Safeguard Upgrade, Windows Secure Surfer etc, and, as well as it predecessors, Windows Privacy Module looks like legitimate Windows software. The rogue has the same colors and icon design of Windows OS; moreover, it displays convincing and grammatically correct texts not like other quickly made malware. Due to its characteristics, the rogue is ascribed to Rogue.VirusDoctor family. Hence, the malware must be removed from the system, and you should not delay the removal, because the longer it is in the system, the more annoying it gets.
Warning, this parasite will block your Internet connection. Click here for instructions how to renew your Internet access.
Windows Privacy Module attempts to annoy you in different ways in order to trigger off the purchase of the fake full version. The rogue supposedly checks the system for threat, and it does find something. The threats that the rogue presents are files located in different places of the system. The files are created by the rogue after the invasion into the system. Ignore Virus.Win32.Sality and other infections, because they do not exist in the system if they are presented by this liar. It is highly inadvisable to attempt to delete the bogus infections, because you might remove files which should not be removed. Moreover, you should not pay any attention to the warning appearing on the screen. Find some of them:
Attempt to modify Registry key entries detected.
Registry entry analysis recommended.Error
Software without a digital signature detected. Your system files are at risk. We strongly advise you to activate your protection.
Additionally, Windows Privacy Module might disturb your usage of the computer by impairing the system. The rogue aims to confuse you and make you think that the system is seriously affected by the threats, which you would like to delete from the system. For example, do not get into a panic when you see that the Internet connection is disabled. The disabled Internet connection is the most noticeable impairment of the system. You may also notice that Task Manager and some executable files are also disables, not to mention Registry Editor, where Windows Privacy Module creates registry entries that control the system. The system’s tools and the Internet are restored after the removal of the rogue.
However, you can set the processing of the system in order after the activation of the rogue. You have to use a registration key, and the disorders discussed above will be restored. Importantly, after the registration of the rogue, it remains in the system and the removal is a must.
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Automatic Windows Privacy Module Removal
Remove Windows Privacy Module automatically if you like having everything done easily. It does not matter whether you are an average Windows user or an experienced troubleshooter; automatic removal of the rogue is for you. You do not need to worry about the registry entries and files related to the rogue. The malware is deleted automatically if you use a certified and reliable antispyware application.
1) Activate the rogue. As soon as the Internet connection is restored, download SpyHuter which will remove Windows Privacy Module from the system. Install and launch the antimalware.
2) If you do not prefer downloading the antispyware onto your own computer, use a spare computer to download SpyHunter. Transfer it onto the infected computer. Install the antispyware and start the scanning of the system.
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Manual Windows Privacy Module Removal
Generally, any manual removal of any kind of infection is not recommended for inexperienced users. This is because of the complexity of the procedure and possible damage which might be caused if legal files are removed from the system. If you are certain that you can delete Windows Privacy Module on your own, first read the instructions on how to get rid of the infection:
1) Terminate the rogue-related processes:
2) Open Registry Editor and delete the registry entries as follows:
3) The last stage of the removal is deletion of the following files:

Yeah,i have heard about this,and it sucks
Hey Abhishek
Yeah, You are right!