What is Votre Ordinateur Est Bloqué Virus?
Votre Ordinateur Est Bloqué Virus is the French version of the Ukash viruses that are executed using deceptive ransomware methods. Unfortunately, the infection is not the only threat to Windows users residing in France, who also need to be careful with Ministere de L’interieur Virus, Office Central de Lutte contre la Criminalité virus or Votre ordinateur est verrouillé virus. Despite different names and modified interfaces, all of these infections are after your money and do not represent the French Police or the aspirations to reduce cyber crime. Regardless, the scam has been proven to bring success to cyber criminals, which is why Anti-Spyware-101.com research team rushes to inform you about the disastrous infection and how you should have Votre Ordinateur Est Bloqué Virus removed.
If up to this point you were unaware of Ukash viruses and their scheming methods – there are a few things you need to learn. First of all, you need to find out how the vicious Votre Ordinateur Est Bloqué Virus can enter your computer. Unfortunately, you are the one to blame for the successful infection’s integration, because whether it travels using spam email attachments or bundled downloads – you need to initiate the installation. Despite these viable propagation methods, it is also possible that the malignant ransomware virus has been dropped onto the computer with the help of already active Trojans. This means that you will need to remove both Votre Ordinateur Est Bloqué Virus and its potential initiator. For now, however, the only thing you should focus on is the fictitious ransomware notification that will be presented on top of your PC’s screen.
Votre ordinateur est bloqué en raison du délit de la loi de la France
On révélait les violations suivantes: le fait d’une prise de vues de film, l’inscription ou la transmission des documents du contenu pornographique avec la participation des mineurs, la pornographie mettant en scène des enfants, de la sodomie et des actions violentes […]
Acquérez ces vouchers Ukash sur la somme 100 euros […]
You will not be able to escape the warning or access the desktop, because the malignant virus’ components will reconfigure Windows Registry settings to block your ability to research the infection or remove Votre Ordinateur Est Bloqué Virus. Additionally, this lock down will create a believable illusion that the French Police has blocked your computer. Despite this, you should not believe any information presented within the alert, because it does not represent any real investigations. Clearly, all you need to do is delete the malignant infection and here is what you need to do to accomplish that:
1. Restart the PC and continuously hit F8 until the Advanced Options menu shows up.
2. Using arrow keys on the keyboard select Safe Mode with Networking.
3. Now, launch your browser and visit http://www.anti-spyware-101.com/spyhunter from where you need to download SpyHunter.
4. Install the application to have the system cleared from malware.
If you are operating Windows XP:
1. Follow steps 1-3 from the instructions above.
2. Click on Start (left side of the Task Bar).
3. Launch RUN and enter “msconfig” to access System Configuration Utility.
4. Click on Startup.
5. Hit the Disable All button and click Apply.
6. Restart Windows normally and install SpyHunter.
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