What is Windows Software Saver?
Such fake antispyware tools as Windows Software Saver can easily ruin any PC user’s day. They not only stop you from running your Windows system normally, but also expose your personal information to cyber criminals and their malicious intentions. Your bank account details, phone numbers, full name, addresses and other highly sensitive data could be used to profit from you, and do not think that this will not happen to you! The only way to avoid identity theft and monetary loss is removing Windows Software Saver from your operating system!
There are plenty of ways that Windows Software Saver can attack. Spam emails, black hat SEO and social engineering scams, fake online scanners, and other various hijackers’ tools are created to get to every PC user. When Windows Software Saver infiltrates, a fake compute scanner starts processing your computers’ risks and the scheme begins. All of the threats that the rogue informs you about are not active in your computer, and are only there to force you into thinking that your computer is being attacked and your personal files are at serious risk.
Do not worry! The only infectious application running inside your Windows system is Windows Software Saver itself, and you are being intimidated so that you would be enticed to buy the full version of this useless product! Whatever you do, do not pay attention to anything that Windows Software Saver has to say. All the pop-ups, alerts and other notifications are simulated and do not represent the truth! And you definitely do not need the useless, full version of this bogus antispyware! What you need right now is a legitimate antispyware tool, which will protect you from incidents alike and prohibit Windows Software Saver and its clones from entering your system again. Remove Windows Software Saver and restore your computer’s functionality!
Windows Software Saver is a clone of such rogues as Windows AntiHazard Helper, Windows AntiHazard Center and many other malware from the Rogue.FakeVimes family.
When you download this malicious software and install it, some changes occur in the system. The rogue will disable registry editor and task manager, and it will block a number of .exe files. The access to the Internet will be restricted as well.
If you get alarm messages given below, do not pay any attention and ignore these fake notifications:
Attempt to modify registry key entries detected. Registry entry analysis is recommended.Warning! Identity theft attempt Detected
Hidden connection IP:
Target: Your passwords for sitesWarning
Firewall has blocked a program from accessing the Internet
C:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe
is suspected to have infected your PC. This type of virus intercepts entered data and transmits them to a remote server.
As these messages are false, do not trust their content because their aim is to trick you into spending money on the fake full version of the bogus application. If you buy the so-called “legitimate antispyware”, it does not mean that your computer’s system will be cleaned and protected.
To terminate the annoying fake pop-ups, you can use a registration key, which is acquired after the purchase of the fake application. More importantly, the key does not remove Windows Software Saver from the system. The fake application is still active, but it does not display annoying messages.
As it was mentioned previously, you have two options to remove the rogue. The first is to delete Windows Software Saver manually, which is not recommended if you are not an experienced Windows user. The second option is to get a legitimate software application, which will detect the rogue and clean the system.
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