What is Recipes By inMind?
Recipes By inMind is a “new” invention from Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc., which means that this browser extension may be just as unreliable as all the other members of this family. Therefore, our researchers have labeled it as a potentially unwanted program (PUP). This is not even a new creation since we have already seen RecipeSearch Toolbar and 100sOfRecipes Toolbar, which belong to the same family. However, this “newcomer” can only affect Google Chrome. Although this PUP is definitely not as dangerous as a Trojan horse, it might still pose a threat to your virtual security. If you would like to know how, please read on. We will also explain why we think that you would be better off removing Recipes By inMind.
Where does Recipes By inMind come from?
You may find the official website at lp.inmind-recipes.com, but what do you think the chances are for users to end up there? Have you ever tried to search for free recipe extensions? We do not think that you could find this website or the extension in the first pages of a Google search, for instance. It is much more likely that you download it “accidentally”, for example, when looking for free software on a questionable shareware site. It is quite easy to get confused and click on a deceiving button there and end up with an infectious software bundle on-board. Many users do not realize when they install such a bundle that it actually contains a couple of malware infections on top. Although they would still have an opportunity to opt out of installing unwanted applications, most overlook that critical step in the installation wizard. If you are not careful enough, you may infect your machine with a bunch of malware infections, so this PUP will be your smallest worry. That is why it is not sufficient to delete Recipes By inMind; you also need to eliminate all other related threats, too.
What does Recipes By inMind do?
This potentially unwanted program is supposed to display a bar at the bottom of your browser window that is filled with all kinds of articles with regard to cooking, including recipes, diet tips, and more. This extension also offers Ask.com as a third-party search engine, which is also set as your new home page and new tab page. This PUP uses a modified Ask.com page just like all other Mindspark products. However, Recipes By inMind may alter the search results and display you tailored links among the normal results. You cannot actually trust any of the third-party services this PUP offers because the third parties may not even be reviewed by the company. That means that even schemers might pose as third parties and lure you with their ads or corrupt links to their malicious websites. There is only one way to avoid this and that is to remove Recipes By inMind from your browser.
How can I remove Recipes By inMind?
There is an easy way to free your computer of this PUP, if you finally decide so. It would take a bit more steps and time if you sorted out this issue one step at a time, including removing the extension, restoring the home page, and resetting the search engine setting. Therefore, we offer you a simple solution by resetting your Google Chrome browser. That way all your problems go away in a few clicks. If you are not familiar with the necessary steps, please follow our instructions below.
Remove Recipes By inMind from Browsers
Google Chrome
- Press Alt+F and select Settings.
- Click Show advanced settings at the bottom.
- Scroll down and click Reset settings.
- Click Reset.
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