What is Meldonii@india.com Ransomware?
If your Windows operating system is vulnerable, Meldonii@india.com Ransomware might slither in very quickly. There are several different versions of this malicious threat floating around, and its distribution could be just as varied. Researchers working in the Anti-Spyware-101.com lab warn that this threat could easily hide within spam emails. The malicious installer could be represented to you as a document or image attachment, and the threat can be executed just by opening this attachment. Other methods of distribution could be used as well, so you have to be vigilant. Of course, if reliable security software is not employed to guard you, the ransomware could slither in without your notice. Once it does, it can corrupt all of your personal files. Obviously, this infection is most dangerous to those users who do not back up their files (e.g., in external drives), and, unfortunately, many users are still careless when it comes to the protection of their personal data. When the attack is performed, even removing Meldonii@india.com Ransomware will not help you get your files back.
How does Meldonii@india.com Ransomware work?
Meldonii@india.com Ransomware was created using the CrySIS Ransomware engine, and the recently reported Radxlove7@india.com Ransomware acts in the exact same manner. This family of malware is quite vast, and it is easy to identify different “members” by looking at their names. All of them are named after the emails addresses that they want you to contact. As mentioned previously, the ransomware we are discussing has several different versions, and the latest of them provides sub_zero12@aol.com as an alternative email address. Due to this, you might also recognize this infection as Sub_zero12@aol.com Ransomware. Regardless of the name and the version of the threat, you will be introduced to a scary ransom note once the encryption is finished. This note will be represented via an image that will replace your Desktop wallpaper, as well as a TXT file called “Decryption instructions.txt”. The note is short, and the main message is that you need to contact meldonii@india.com or sub_zero12@aol.com for further instructions. Are you thinking about communicating with cyber criminals who are responsible for the malicious infection? If you are, use a new email address to prevent the flood of spam emails in the future.
Once your personal files are locked using the RSA-2048 encryption key, they will gain a unique extension: “.id-[number].{meldonii@india.com}.xtbl”. This extension, obviously, includes your ID number and the email address associated with cyber criminals. Due to the introduction of this extension, it will be very easy for you to assess the damage and see which files were corrupted. Once you identify the files that were harmed, you should check your backups to see if you have healthy copies. If you do not, paying the ransom requested by the developer of Meldonii@india.com Ransomware is your only option. Unfortunately, the ransom fee is big, and cyber criminals are not to be trusted. Sure, they might be able to provide you with a decryption tool, and it is difficult to say if they would. There are many ransomware victims who pay the money just to find that their files are still encrypted, which means that they lose both files and money. If you do not want to be in that situation, think if paying the ransom is a risk worth taking.
How to eliminate Meldonii@india.com Ransomware
You can delete Meldonii@india.com Ransomware from your operating system using anti-malware software or the manual removal guide below. Obviously, we recommend using anti-malware software because it can automatically get rid of all threats. Furthermore, it can guarantee that your PC is protected against other ransomware and other kinds of malicious infections. If you wish to kill the ransomware manually, the guide below will assist you. Just keep in mind that you need to locate the original launcher that might have a misleading name. The name of this threat could be made up of random characters, but it could also take on the name of a legitimate file. Our research team suggests that the file could also have the “.Payload” string in its name. If you do not think you can identify malware, do not waste your time and quickly install an automated malware remover.
Removal Guide
- Tap Win+E keys on the keyboard to access Explorer.
- Enter the directory into the address bar and Delete the malicious .exefile:
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %USERPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %WINDIR%\Syswow64\
- %WINDIR%\System32\
- Tap Win+R keys to launch RUN.
- Enter regedit.exe to launch Registry Editor.
- Move to HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop.
- Right-click and Modify the value named Wallpaper.
- Clear the value data box and click OK.
- Go to HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Wallpapers.
- Right-click and Modify the value named BackgroundHistoryPath0.
- Clear the value data box and click OK.
- Go to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
- Right-click and Delete the value with a random name that points to the location of the malicious .exe file.
- Go to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
- Right-click and Delete the value with a random name that points to the location of the malicious .exe file.
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