What is Kripto64 Ransomware?
Kripto64 Ransomware is a Turkish malicious application based on the source code of Hidden-Tear, an educational open-source ransomware. We can assure you that it, unlike ransomware it is based on, does not enter users’ computers to teach them. Its main goal is to easily obtain money from users. Although it demands money, it does not encrypt files at the time of writing, and there are no payment details provided. As a consequence, researchers believe that its C&C server is down, or it is still in development. Delete Kripto64 Ransomware as soon as possible even if it has not touched any of your files because this infection might be updated and then lock all your files in the blink of an eye. Do not let this happen to you – remove this infection from your computer today.
What does Kripto64 Ransomware do?
The working version of Kripto64 Ransomware does not differ much from similar ransomware-type infections. It enters computers illegally and then should lock pictures, documents, and media files with the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), which is known to be a very strong encryption algorithm. Since it is a Turkish ransomware infection, users living in Turkey should be careful the most, but, of course, it does not mean that this infection cannot enter PCs of those users living somewhere else. After the encryption of files, Kripto64 Ransomware opens a black window with a ransom note. Users are told that they need to send 500TL (~134 USD) to be able to decrypt their files. As we have already mentioned at the beginning, payment instructions are missing, meaning that, at the time of writing, it is impossible to pay money to cyber criminals. Fortunately, it is very likely that you do not even need to do that because your files have not been encrypted. Of course, we cannot promise that this infection will not be updated in the future. If you are reading this article after some time, and the problem is that Kripto64 Ransomware has locked your files, you should not rush to transfer money to cyber criminals. First of all, we recommend trying to recover files from a backup. Unfortunately, we cannot help you if you have never created a backup of your files. In such a case, you can try to purchase the decryption key or wait till cyber criminals develop a free decryptor – it is unclear when this is going to happen. Either way, a ransomware infection needs to be erased fully from the computer.
Where does Kripto64 Ransomware come from?
Kripto64 Ransomware is usually spread via spam emails. It travels in them as an email attachment, but, of course, users are not told that a malicious file of ransomware is attached to an email they receive. In most cases, ransomware infections are spread masqueraded as important documents, e.g. invoices or hotel booking confirmations. Stay away from all spam emails you receive because they might contain ransomware inside. On top of that, install a security application on your computer. Evidently, your efforts to protect your computer were useless if Kripto64 Ransomware is inside your system. Luckily, it is not one of those threats which apply changes, and it works from the place it has been launched. Of course, more sophisticated infections exist too, so it is highly advisable to install a security application. If you do what we say, other ransomware infections will not bother you again.
How do I remove Kripto64 Ransomware?
What you need to do first to delete Kripto64 Ransomware from your system is to close its window with a ransom note launched on your Desktop. This can be done by clicking X in the top-right corner of this window. After doing that, go to find and delete the malicious recently opened file. Its exact location is unknown, but you should be able to find it in %USERPROFILE%\Desktop or %USERPROFILE%\Downloads. If it happens that you cannot find it anywhere, scan your PC with a reputable antimalware scanner SpyHunter. This needs to be done no matter Kripto64 Ransomware has encrypted files or not. Keep in mind that none of those encrypted files will be unlocked for you, so do not expect too much.
Delete Kripto64 Ransomware manually
- Click X at the top of the window opened by ransomware to close it.
- Delete the malicious file launched (check Desktop and the Downloads folder first).
- Empty the Recycle bin.
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