What is Kindest Ransomware?
The name of Kindest Ransomware is quite confusing, and the purpose of this threat is even more so. This infection encrypts the files found on the infected operating system just like any other ransomware threat, but it does not request for a ransom in return of an allegedly effective file decryptor. On the contrary, this threat informs that your files were encrypted only to bring awareness about ransomware. Anti-Spyware-101.com malware research team suggests that maybe this threat was created by someone who is testing the abilities of ransomware, and, unfortunately, it does not look like the decryption of the corrupted files is possible. That being said, you might be able to save your files, and to learn more about that, you should keep reading. We also discuss the removal of the malicious ransomware, and you must eliminate this infection as soon as possible! If you only care about deleting Kindest Ransomware, check out the last section of this report, as well as the instructions.
How does Kindest Ransomware work?
Kindest Ransomware was built using the Hidden-Tear open source code, which is very well-known because it was used for the development of Kampret Ransomware, Karmen Ransomware, and hundreds of other infections. All of them employ the AES encryption algorithm, and all of them go after your personal files. Surprisingly, Kindest Ransomware also encrypts .exe files, which means that it can crash installed applications, such as security software and browsers. Luckily, this infection does not delete Shadow Volume Copies, and if a backup was set up, you should recover your files. If that is not applicable to you in your situation, maybe you have used external drives or online storage to back up your files? If you have, you are in luck because you will be able to restore your files after you remove the malicious infection. Otherwise, you might have no way of recovering them because it does not look like a decryption key exists. Even if it does, there is no way for you to obtain it.
When Kindest Ransomware enters your operating system, it locks the screen with a message suggesting that you have been hacked. If you face this warning, you can rest assured that your files are being encrypted. Afterward, a different message should pop up indicating that the threat was created to make you “more aware of ransomware.” Additionally, a link to http://goo.gl/I79cHq is attached at the bottom, and it opens a video that discusses ransomware. Theoretically, your files should be decrypted after you watch this video, but, practically, you are more likely to find your files encrypted still. Unfortunately, no solutions are offered for you, and so there is not much you can do. If you restart the computer, the screen-locking message will disappear, and you will be able to check what kind of damage was done. Note that the encrypted files are not appended a unique extension to help you identify them easily. Instead, you will need to try to open every file to check if it was corrupted.
How to delete Kindest Ransomware
Kindest Ransomware is not so kind because it encrypts your files without the option to decrypt them. As soon as this threat encrypts your files, it should introduce you to a strange message suggesting that the threat has encrypted your files to educate you about ransomware. If your files are backed up, you should be able to recover them, but do so after you remove Kindest Ransomware from your operating system. After you restart your computer, you need to find and delete the {unknown name}.exe file. Have you downloaded it via a corrupted spam email? Was it installed silently? If you cannot detect this file yourself, why don’t you install a trusted anti-malware tool that can do that automatically? When installing anti-malware software, you need to make sure that it is legitimate, effective, and up-to-date. If you need our help with the removal of malware or the installation of trusted security software, start a discussion in the comments section.
Removal Instructions
- Restart your PC (alternatively, tap keys Win+R and enter explorer.exe into the dialog box).
- Right-click the malicious {unknown name}.exe file that acts as the ransomware launcher.
- Select Delete and then Empty Recycle Bin.
N.B. Perform a full system scan after you remove Kindest Ransomware to check for potential leftovers.
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