What is Hakunamatata Ransomware?
Hakunamatata Ransomware is an infection that can employ RSA and AES encryption algorithms to encrypt your personal files. The files are encrypted using a public key, and a private key is created at the same time. Unfortunately, this key is encrypted and stored in a remote location to make its retrieval impossible. According to Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers, this is what helps cyber criminals to force their victims into paying huge ransom fees. It is alleged that a decryptor would become available if the ransom was paid. Of course, it would be naive to say that everything said by unpredictable cyber criminals can be trusted. On the contrary, it is never a good idea to trust or rely on them. Unfortunately, there are not many options when it comes to this ransomware, and so you might end up losing your files. Hopefully, you can delete Hakunamatata Ransomware without a single worry about your files, and you can learn more about this in the report.
How does Hakunamatata Ransomware work?
Just like most other ransomware infections (including BadNews Ransomware or CryptoSweetTooth Ransomware), the malicious Hakunamatata Ransomware is primarily spread via spam emails. To conceal the threat, its distributor camouflages the malicious launcher as a regular, harmless-looking file. If the victim is tricked into opening this file, the encryption of files begins shortly. This ransomware does not go after system files because your operating system has to continue working properly to ensure successful ransom transaction. Plus, fewer users would be willing to pay a ransom for files that can be easily replaced. Instead, the infection corrupts personal files, such as media files, photos, and documents because you are more likely to want to save them. Of course, if these files are really important to you, you might have backed them up previously. If that is the case, we suggest removing Hakunamatata Ransomware without further delay. Afterward, erase the corrupted files and replace them with backups. Before you do that, inspect which files were encrypted (they have the “.HakunaMatata” extension attached to them) to make sure that backups exist.
The malicious launcher used by Hakunamatata Ransomware not only encrypts files but also creates a ransom note file named “Recovers files yako.html”. This file, of course, is opened via a browser, and it informs that you need a private key to have all files decrypted. To obtain the key, you are asked to message cyber criminals via Bitmessage. If you do that, the creator of the ransomware comes back with a ransom request, and the sum asked might be very big. As you might know already, there is a possibility that cyber crooks will leave you empty-handed if you pay the ransom, which is why you have to consider this option very carefully. Of course, if your personal files are not backed up, and if you cannot find a free decryptor (one did not exist at the time of research), the option offered by cyber criminals might be the only one that is eligible. That does not mean that you need to take the risk. Instead, you can choose to remove Hakunamatata Ransomware, but that, of course, is likely to lead to the loss of personal files.
How to delete Hakunamatata Ransomware
If your operating system was infected by Hakunamatata Ransomware, you might have a very important decision to make. Will you try to pay the ransom or will you part ways with your precious personal files? Hopefully, you manage to find a third option that allows you to save your personal files without having to communicate with cyber criminals (for example, if your files are backed up on an external drive). In any case, you have to get rid of this ransomware as soon as you get the chance. Although you might be able to find and remove Hakunamatata Ransomware manually, we strongly suggest employing anti-malware software. If other threats exist on your PC, they will be automatically eliminated along with the ransomware. Moreover, your operating system will get the protection it deserves. If you skip the protection of your virtual security, other threats could come your way very soon.
Removal Instructions
- Identify the .exe launcher file.
- Right-click this file and select Delete.
- Also, Delete the Recovers files yako.html file (note that it might be copied in many folders).
- Empty Recycle Bin.
- Perform a full system scan just to make sure that your PC in clean and safe to use.
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