What is Flyper Ransomware?
Flyper Ransomware is one of the newest ransomware infections. Even though it is new, it does not mean that it differs from those ransomware infections that were released some time ago, e.g. CryptoRoger Ransomware and SATANA Ransomware. What we want to say here is that Flyper Ransomware has been developed by cyber criminals in order to make it easier for them to extort money from users. Cyber crooks are not dumb, and they know that users will not make a payment voluntarily. Therefore, they lock personal files, including important documents, theses, presentations, text files, music, videos, and other kinds of files and then offer users to buy the decryption key. At the time of writing, the price of the key that should decrypt files is 0.5 Bitcoin, which equals approximately $310. Our specialists understand that you might have valuable files that you need to get back; however, they still do not think that it is worth spending this amount of money on the decryption key which might not even be sent to you. Yes, unfortunately, we get a bunch of messages from users who have made a payment but do not get the promised decryption key. Before you decide what to do, you need to know that it might be impossible to decrypt files without the private key. Of course, it is not a smart decision to pay money too because you might not only lose your files, but give easy money to cyber crooks.
What does Flyper Ransomware do?
Ransomware infections do not usually hide their presence. Flyper Ransomware is no exception. Specialists have noticed that it encrypts files with the RSA-2048 encryption the first thing it enters the computer. Also, it immediately sets another picture as Desktop background to scare users and places the instruction.txt file on Desktop. The image set as Desktop wallpaper will not tell you much. It contains only one sentence “You have been hacked!”, whereas the text file explains how users can get their files back extensively. If you see this message, you already know that you need to pay the ransom in Bitcoin and then send your PC name to flyper01@sigaint.org. Cyber criminals should send you the decryption key via email after you make a payment; however, we cannot guarantee that, so we think that it would be better to keep the money to yourself. You should not even pay attention to those encrypted files having the .flyper filename extension if you have copies of all your files because you will recover them without any problems after the removal of Flyper Ransomware. Of course, you can try to purchase the key if you can afford it. There is a possibility that it will work, and you could decrypt your files, but you should get ready for disappointment too because you might be left without the money and the decryption key.
Unlike other ransomware infections, Flyper Ransomware does not make any copies of its executable file. In other words, it works from the place it is launched, e.g. the Downloads folder (C:\Users\[your username]\Downloads). What is more, specialists working at anti-spyware-101.com have noticed that it keeps connecting to the Internet without permission, unlike other ransomware infections. It seems that it needs the Internet connection to communicate with its command and control (C&C) server, for instance, it has been found that it sends and stores all the private keys on one of its servers. Do not worry; it will no longer act like that after you fully get rid of it.
Where does Flyper Ransomware come from?
We do not know how exactly this infection has entered your computer; however, there are two popular ransomware distribution methods. First of all, our specialists have found that ransomware is often spread through spam emails. Its executable (.exe) file comes as a spam email attachment and immediately appears on the computer if a user opens an attachment. Of course, it is made to look harmless, e.g. it might look like an ordinary .pdf or .doc document. Moreover, it is evident that ransomware infections might be dropped on the computer by Trojans. These Trojans, of course, enter computers secretly, so you need to be very careful. What we recommend for you is to install a reputable antimalware tool, e.g. SpyHunter. If you upgrade it, it will protect your system from all kinds of dangers as long as you keep it active.
How do I remove Flyper Ransomware?
Flyper Ransomware is a serious computer infection, but it does not make many modifications after it enters the computer. Therefore, you might be able to remove it easily. All you need to do is to find its executable file and get rid of it. Use instructions provided below if you do not know where to start. Another method less experienced users can employ is to perform the scan with an automatic malware remover, such as SpyHunter. No matter how you decide to erase it, make sure that you eliminate this threat fully.
Remove Flyper Ransomware manually
- Open the File Explorer.
- Open C:\Users\[your username]\Downloads.
- Locate the malicious file of the Flyper Ransomware.
- Delete it.
- Remove .jpg and .txt files that belong to this threat from Desktop.
- Empty the Recycle bin.
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