What is Cyber Splitter Vbs Ransomware?
Cyber Splitter Vbs Ransomware could soon become a dangerous threat to your computer, namely to your most precious personal files; however, it seems that the latest version fails to do as it claims. In other words, our malware researchers at anti-spyware-101.com say that this ransomware does not actually encrypt your files. Therefore, it should not pose a real threat to your system for the time being. Still, there could be inexperienced computer users who may take the ransom note seriously and rush to pay the fee to recover their files. We suggest that you remove Cyber Splitter Vbs Ransomware immediately after you realize its presence. Unfortunately, it is quite possible that this will change and the authors will launch a new version that will actually work and encrypt your files with an impossible-to-decrypt algorithm. This is why we would like to share with you what we have found out about this malware infection so that you can prevent similar ones from slithering onto your system.
Where does Cyber Splitter Vbs Ransomware come from?
Our malware researchers have discovered that this newcomer shares some parts of its code with another well-known infection called Cerber Ransomware. This could mean that this malware program is a copycat but these infections may be related in other ways, too. If Cyber Splitter Vbs Ransomware manages to infiltrate your system, it means that you may have opened a malicious spam e-mail containing an attached file. In order for this threat to hit your computer, you actually need to save the attached file and try to view it; this is when you activate this ransomware. Spam mails can be quite sophisticated nowadays and be able to evade spam filters. This means that you are not 100% safe opening mails in your inbox. When in doubt about the authenticity and reliability of a mail, you should listen to your instinct and double-check who the sender is and if the file attachment is a real document or image. Because this ransomware could be spread in mails that claim to be about a questionable money transfer, an issue with local authorities, a problem with your credit card details, and so on. If you do not feel related to the subject of the suspicious mail, it is possible that it is a spam. Unfortunately, a lot of users are way too curious to see the contents of such a mail, including the attachment. You should know that normally, when you realize what has hit you, it would be too late to delete Cyber Splitter Vbs Ransomware. But this time you may be in the luck if you have this version on your computer because your files will not be encrypted by the time the ransom note warns you about the attack.
How does Cyber Splitter Vbs Ransomware work?
As we have already explained, we have found that this ransomware does not actually work in the sense that it does not do what ransomware programs usually do, i.e., it does not encrypt your files. It is possible that this version is simply a trial run and a new and more powerful variant will emerge soon that will target your photos, videos, documents, databases, and other program files as most of these malicious threats do. Once the supposed encryption has finished, this infection does not replace you desktop background with its own image, but, instead, it simply opens its ransom note on top of your active windows. This note is written with rather broken English even though it only contains a few words. You are informed that your files have been encrypted allegedly and that you have to pay 1 BTC, around 600 US dollars, to a given Bitcoin wallet address. Obviously, in this particular case we do not advise you at all that you freak out and rush to transfer this fee to these criminals. Even in the case of other ransomware attacks it is risky to pay because there is always a chance that you will get nothing in return. Nevertheless, these infections teach us a valuable lesson: To regularly save a backup copy on a portable device. Of course, right now you will not need it, since you can simply remove Cyber Splitter Vbs Ransomware right away without any consequences.
How can I delete Cyber Splitter Vbs Ransomware?
Finally, let us talk about solutions. You may be glad to hear that it is not too difficult to end this threat. Identifying the malicious and related files may require some basic skills but nothing you could not do yourself. If you need help with this, you can use our instructions below this article. Apart from being more careful around your inbox, it is equally important to regularly update your browsers and your drivers (Java and Flash) because certain ransomware programs can also be distributed via Exploit Kits that exploit vulnerabilities of outdated software. As you can see now, preventing malware infections from entering your system should be a priority if you want to use a secure computer. "To err is human," as people say; however, one wrong click could actually cost you all your files in a nightmarish ransomware attack, for example. It is not too late to act and find a reliable security tool for yourself that can automatically defend your PC from all existing threats.
How to remove DevNightmare Ransomware from Windows
- Press Win+E.
- Locate and delete the malicious file (could have a random name) you downloaded from the spam e-mail (it could be in the Downloads folder by default).
- Remove any random-name files (could be .exe, .txt, or .jpg) you find on your desktop.
- Empty your Recycle Bin.
- Restart your computer.
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