What is Gema Virus?
Lately, a new and sophisticated virus called GEMA virus has infected many computers located in Germany with an intention to obtain money from gullible computer users. The virus freezes the infected computer’s system and does not allow the user to access the Internet and perform any other actions on it. It is said to have been caused due to illegal online activity regarding downloads of pirated music. This cunning virus has been already detected in other countries including the US, England, Austria, Spain, Italy, and Portugal. It is also a clone of FBI moneypak, which is known as a virus stating that the user’s PC has been locked because the FBI have detected illegally acquired copyrighted products.
This time, instead of the FBI, the name of GEMA (English: German musical copyright monitoring body) is used. The user is obliged to pay a fine of €50 to unlock the computer; otherwise, a more severe penalty will be imposed, because GEMA states that they can locate the computer with the help of its IP address and host name, which are displayed in the warning to scare the user.
Eine eindeutige identifizierung Ihrer Person ist mithilfe Ihrer IP-Adresse und des Hostnames problemlos möglich.
You can be clearly identified by resolving your IP address and the associated host name.
Please ignore the virus and its notification, because the only action that you have to do is remove Gema virus. Moreover, do not make money a money transaction through Paysafecard, a supposed partner of GEMA, because you will lose your money. The virus will push you to do so in this manner:
Zahlbar durch unseren Payment-Partner Paysafecard. Nach erfolgreicher Bezahlung wird Ihr Computer automatisch entsperrt.
Payable through our payment partner Paysafecard. After successful payment, your computer will automatically unlock.
Do not believe a word of the warning; instead, download a reliable and powerful antispyware application to remove the threat. As the manual removal is a complex procedure, install an automatic spyware removal tool onto your PC, and, once the virus is deleted for you automatically, you will be able to use the computer properly.
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