What is Auf ihrem computer ist infiziert Virus?
Auf ihrem computer ist infiziert Virus is a cunning infection whose interface looks as if it was a notification popped up by your Windows operating system. The message states that your PC is locked because a Trojan infection has infected your computer. The text is in German, which already suggests that it is targeted at German-speaking computer users.
If you find that you cannon access your desktop because of a message whose headline is “Auf ihrem computer ist infiziert Virus”, note that the PC is infected with a piece of ransomware, which is also known as an Ukash virus. According to Auf ihrem computer ist infiziert Virus, the Trojan that is on your PC will destroy your valuable files stored on the PC, so if you want to remove the Trojan, you should pay 100 euros. However, the things are much easier, because it is enough to remove Auf ihrem computer ist infiziert Virus to fix the PC, which you should do immediately.

Please find some examples from the fake message, which may help you recognize the infection:
Ihr Computer is mit Windows-Trojaner infiziert Spind
Dieses Programm hat Zugriff auf alle Dateien und Wechseldatenträger and den Computer blockiert.
Starten Sie Ihren Computer und versuchen, das bösartige Programm zu löschen, wird bei der Entfernung von all Ihre Daten und Betriebssystem Windows führen.
In contrast to other Ukash viruses such as Eenheid Voor de Bestrijding Cybercrime Virus, Polizia Di Stato Virus and Bundesamt für Polizei virus, this ransomware infection is very plain regarding its interface. Aside from the text, the message contains the Windows logo and the box where you are expected to enter the code of an Ukash voucher. Ignore those logos and remove Auf ihrem computer ist infiziert Virus as soon as you can.
As the message occupies the whole screen, you may think that there is no choice but to do that you are told. We assure you that the warning is created to deceive you, so do not wait and get rid of it. Our instructions below will help you access the Internet and remove the virus with SpyHunter, which is highly recommended by our Anti-Spyware-101.com team:
- Press the Restart/Reset button on your PC.
- While the machine is rebooting, press the F8 button.
- Use arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Networking.
- Press OK to confirm.
- Download SpyHunter at: http://www.anti-spyware-101.com/spyhunter
- Install the program and launch a scan to remove the virus.
If your OS is Windows XP, you should pay close attention to these instructions:
- Repeat steps 1-3 provided above.
- Open the Start menu.
- Click on RUN and enter “msconfig” into the box given. Press OK.
- Open the Startup tab.
- Uncheck all startup entries and press OK or Apply.
- Download the tool recommended and restart the machine in Normal Mode.
- Install SpyHunter to delete Auf ihrem computer ist infiziert Virus.
tested removal of Auf ihrem computer ist infiziert Virus* 100% FREE spyware scan and