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Please follow the Internet Explorer installation instructions below to make your computer faster, cleaner and safer.
  1. A security bar may show up saying it has blocked the download. Click on the yellow bar and choose "Download File". When the File Download dialog box appears click the "Run" button.
    Internet Explorer save file
  2. Click "Run" every time the "Open File - Security Warning" window appears.
    Internet Explorer save file
  3. RegHunter Downloader will download all necessary files to your PC.
    RegHunter language select
  4. Select your language and click the "OK" button.
    RegHunter license agreement
  5. Review the License Agreement and select the "I accept the license agreement" radio button then click the "Next" button.
    RegHunter installation finished
  6. RegHunter has been successfully installed! Click the "Finish" button to close the window and run RegHunter!
    RegHunter installation finished